Tuesday, September 1, 2015

28 Savage Siblings Who Are The Ultimate Trolls

Living with brothers or sisters is both a blessing and a curse.

On the one hand, you have lifelong friends who will understand you and where you come from better than any other soul on Earth.

On the other hand, you also have lifelong assigned trolls who have the ability to make your life as difficult as possible, often for no apparent reason. 

You know what I'm talking about — we've all dreamed of that only-child life before.

SHARE this with yoursiblings to prove you aren't as bad as these guys...

1. All the guy wanted to do was take a cute selfie.

But no, bothof his brothers and his dad had to mock him. At this point I don't even know which is the original anymore.

2. And apparently there is no mercy for younger siblings, no matter how little they are.

This is just too cruel! Tell me you aren't gagging just watching this!

3. When you walk into your bachelorette party and find out your sister made all your friends wear a mask of your fiancé's face!

This is nightmare material, right here!

4. This is just pure savagery. Evil incarnate. 

This is literally pain for pleasure. Only people who share 50% of your genes can do this to you.

Are you getting flashbacks of your childhood yet?

It's 1993 all over again in my head right now. I'm pretty sure this happened on the daily.

5. When you just know each other too well and have an unquenchable thirst to bust each other. 

And he had to do it in the most obnoxious way possible, too.

6. No sibling should ever have to endure this amount of crushing disappointment. Seriously though this is where our trust issues originated. 

Someone definitely isn't feeling fantastic...Sorry, the available Fanta puns were limited.

7. This is why fish make the worst pets, and why siblings make the worst people.

They are so uninteresting that you don't even notice if they haven't moved for days.

I mean, that was less of a prank and more of a test to see how responsible your sister is. 

8. This will leave a scar on him that'll last. 

For years in the future, women will attempt to fill that void in his life and heal him...to no avail.

The time and place will never matter to your sister. 

If she can ruin your attempt to suck up to Mom and Dad, she will.

9. Literally only Catherine Zeta-Jones would make it through this.

I call it the web of despair. There's no getting in or out. I guess that's one excuse to sleep in every morning.

In case you aren't ancient like me, that was a pop culture reference to the movie Entrapment.

Seriously worth a watch. Don't worry, it's in color.

10. When your brother is in charge of saving you a plate for later.

Sidenote: These kids are lucky to have a feast like this. This mom went to town. Literally 11 items on that plate. Can you be adopted post-30?

11. No one on this planet knows you better (or what you want the most) than a sibling.

Now that's love. Unconditional, plaid flannel, ripped denim love.

It's amazing any of us has survived the almost two solid decades of torment we are dealt.

Only-children are nothing but soft, weak babies who never got a taste of the real world.

12. Aw, how nice. He cut a fresh slice off the ol' watermelon for his sister or brother!

See?! They're not all bad, right? Righhhhht....

13. Bah! Juustkidding! Total prank, full jerk mode.

You have to commend some of these people for the time and effort they put into one single prank. If we lived in pioneer times, I know who I'd want whittling me a canoe...

14. I see you've started early, young Padawan.

This is a level five icing coup. Classic, a bit cliché, but a solid troll nonetheless. Replacing the icing with toothpaste will come later...

15. Do you remember those moments when your sibling would surprise you with an actually amazing, above-and-beyond, birthday gift?

Yeah...neither do I. The fact that they put actual thought into this one is rare enough.

16. Ah, yes. Little boy masculine fragility. He will not be pleased when he gets home.

I'm sure when you explain to him that the femininity signified by barbies and Care Bears is a social construction, he'll totally forgive you... 

17. Classic clean troll work. 

This kid has definitely seen Sawrecently. It starts with padlocking the laptop charger, and then next thing you know, the puzzles will involve chains and hacksaws...

18. I love when siblings go so far out of the way just to troll their sibling. 

This might not be watermelon-level craftsmanship, but it still made the list. And a missing ice cream hurts way more than missing watermelon. Sidenote: That is still a lot of ice cream left over, no?

19. This is a double-whammy troll event.

A) the obvious "not real money" part of it, and B) this brother knew how thirsty his little bro would be for a dollar.

20. May the universe bless siblings for calling each other out.

I mean, we were all thinking it. They are just the only ones who can say it! Busted!

"You cut off the top of your forehead so you could fit your boobs in the photo," in case you can't read the comment. 

Basically every day of my childhood and teenage years.

My older brother lived in the basement, so you can see the parallels here...

21. When your sibling's in charge of setting the WiFi password

This is what every older sibling would whisper to the younger one when their parents weren't around. It's like a rite of passage.

22. Hey, at least beating the odds feels pretty good, right?

Everyone loves an underdog. Me: laughs at joke out loud while secretly crying inside because I'm po'.

23. Probably one of the more annoying pranks for the victim, but overly satisfying for the perp.

Just think of how many other words might have been changed...better not text any coworkers until you figure this one out.

24. When your sister get's you two birthday gifts it's usually too good to be true

That's an impressive amount of effort she put into those. And they're so thoughtful and significant! 

25. Sound asleep and toasty warm

No sibling likes to share their personal space, and when they're forced to, it usually ends up something like this.

26. Rude and gross

The sibling who comes out on top isn't the most mature one — they're the one that hides their immaturity from parents the best.

27. I know that face. It's the "it's-too-early-for-this-crap" face

I know this is a life lesson about knowing what you want in life or something, but if someone pulled this before I'd eaten anything in the morning, I'd go into a hangry rage!

28. When you're 13 years old and want to destroy your big brother's day.

This kid is savage. She may be young, but she is a master of her craft.

SHARE these with everyone who has a troll for a brother or sister!

You might as well share this with your own shady siblings as well! 

I mean, next-level, selfies-while-your-sister-is-being-driven-to-jail shady siblings.


Author: verified_user