Monday, September 14, 2015

15 Crazy Strange Things People Have Found In Their Backyard

Homeowners know that land is a double-edged sword. Sure, you can stretch out in your yard and take in a sunset every night, secure in the knowledge that it's your patch of earth. But it also needs constant upkeep and maintenance. It can be a real pain.

So shouldn't owning land pay off? It's the dream, really. You can't help indulging your inner Indiana Jones sometimes and dreaming that your land holds fortunes untold — or at least something rare and cool.

Well, it does happen from time to time. These homeowners all found something on their property worth sharing — and some found something worth insuring!

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1. This medieval weapon turned up in an imgur user's yard.

2. These boys discovered a mastodon bone.

3. A California couple unearthed a fully-stocked fallout shelter, sealed up in the 1960s. 

It was quite the time capsule!

4. A Swedish woman found her wedding ring — which had been missing for 16 years — around a carrot she dug out of her garden.

5. This golf ball dug up in the Bronx dates from 1899.

6. This Ferrari was dug up at a home in Los Angeles in 1978.

7. A rare albino praying mantis put in an appearance for this homeowner.

8. This 300-year-old coin popped up in a person's backyard while they were weeding.

9. Real buried treasure, a couple in California found more than $10 million in gold coins in a few plain tin cans.

10. This is going to cause some delicate negotiations.

11. Another fallout shelter, this one isn't quite as well preserved.

12. A baleen whale fossil, estimated to be at least 14 million years old, turned up at a house in Los Angeles.

13. When you fire into the air, the bullet has to come down somewhere — like this person's backyard.

14. A reddit user stumbled across this ancient relic in their yard.

Any bets somebody finally got sick of hearing "Ice, Ice Baby" and chucked it out the window?

15. An ice storm split this home owner's tree into three pieces. 

COMMENT on Facebook and tell us your best-ever find!

Main image via ABC News | AP Photo / Kagin's Inc.

Collage image via reddit / captantarctica


Author: verified_user