Thursday, July 2, 2015

Some Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Adulting

I remember when I was a kid, I was in such a hurry to grow up. I thought that growing up meant you could stay up as late as you wanted, eat all the ice cream you wanted, and watch the shows that your parents always said no to. 

Now, I know that it's a lot more complicated than I once thought. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to simpler times...or at least try to find some sort of owner's manual. 

No such luck yet.

You don't get rewarded

I don't get paid for good grades anymore. I miss that. I wish I got a trophy for every time I got out of my pjs. I regret thinking school was hard.

It's not the tastiest slice of pie

It's really nowhere near pie at all. In fact, it's more like having 1000 Horcruxes. A piece of your soul belongs to each major responsibility you have, and you never get it back. I can't say that I remember ever signing up for this.

You can't escape

Life is very much like the ghosts from Pac-Man: It will catch up to you no matter how fast you run or how well you prepare. Unfortunately, eating your problems is not the best course of action in real life. Curse you, Pac-Man, and your false advertising!

Money doesn't grow on trees

Instead of the latest gadget, I now ask for money on birthdays and other occasions. I used to think money would replenish itself. Now, I'm thankful for whatever relief comes my way.

There's no manager

I never thought I would be the type of person to complain to a manager. If there was one for adulthood, though, my list of complaints would be a mile high.


Author: verified_user