Sunday, July 19, 2015


'Member when we were kids and everything was so much simpler? Nostalgia is a fantastic escape from our now way crazier lives! So join me in this feast of 'member-berries as we look at some of the silliest memories of our past...

1. 'Membah sending messages like this?

I never knew how to fold those triangles! 

2. 'Membah having a digital camera on a portable device?

It seemed like magic at the time!

3. 'Membah when Pokémon were on cards and not phones?

4. Oh, I definitely 'membah having a bunch of these!

5. 'Membah Disney's VHS tapes?

They were beautiful inside and out!

6. 'Membah where we'd rent them from?


Author: verified_user