Sunday, July 19, 2015

Even More 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Facts Most People Don't Know About

I don't know if you've heard, but Disney and Marvel have kind of been killing it with their movies lately. They are continuing to expand their cinematic universe and keep introducing beloved comic book characters to the masses. I always thought of myself as an Iron Man fangirl, but after watching Guardians of the Galaxy, I was very much Team Peter Quill. Was it Chris Pratt's six-pack that sold it for me? That may have played a part, but overall the movie was so different from the other Marvel movies. I loved all the characters and I can't wait to see the sequel. We're going to have to wait a little bit longer to see it, but here are some facts about the first one that will get you even more pumped about the sequel!

1. Chris Pratt almost turned down the role of Peter Quill because he was afraid he'd embarrass himself. 

“When Guardians of the Galaxy was pitched to me, I said, 'I don't think so.' I just didn't picture myself getting the role. I didn't want to go and embarrass myself like I did when I auditioned for G.I. Joea couple of years previously." 

2. On the other hand, Dave Bautista lost it when he found out he landed the role of Drax. 

"When they called me and I got the role... I just screaming, like 'noooo'. I couldn't freakin' believe it, I just broke down in tears."

3. If you needed more proof that Chris is a huge sweetheart, here it is. Chris stole his Star-Lord costume because he wanted to be prepared for when the movie became a huge success and he could visit children in hospitals and cheer them up as the character. 

4. According to Vin Diesel, he recorded the line "I am Groot" over 1,000 times. 

I wonder if he's haunted by that line...

5. Marvel wanted Chris to lose weight and be in shape to be in this movie. According to the director, even if Chris didn't lose the weight in time, he would've fought to still have him play Star-Lord. 

"But at the same time, the secret that I didn’t tell Chris until after we were done is that for me I would’ve fought to keep him even if he was chubby, because he was the best. He fit that character the best."

6. Vin was very dedicated to the role. He recorded his lines in several languages so his real voice could be heard in different countries. 

He recorded his lines in Russian, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French. 

7. You might recognize Bradley Cooper as the voice of Rocket, but he wasn't on set with the other actors. It was Sean Gunn who put on the green leotard and was on set playing Rocket. 


9. The director would randomly keep Play-Doh on set and would give containers of it out to anyone who did a good job that day. 

10. Rocket Raccoon was physically based on a raccoon named Oreo who lives in the UK.

11. Don't you just love the soundtrack? According to the director, the '70s and '80s songs were put in the movie on purpose because that's what was going to remind the audience that Peter is from Earth just like the audience. 

12. I don't know about you, but I downloaded the soundtrack as soon as I left the theater. 

13. Maybe Chris just knew in his heart that he'd end up playing Peter because in Parks and Recreation, his character calls himself "the luckiest man in the galaxy."


12. Karen Gillan went all out for her role and shaved her head to play Nebula. 
She surprised fans at Comic Con with her new haircut. 

15. Did you stay until the end of the movie to watch the end credits scene? Another Marvel character makes an appearance... Howard the Duck!

16. Leave a COMMENT and let us know who your favorite character is!

Mine is and will always be Groot. 


Author: verified_user