Wednesday, July 15, 2015

12 Crazy Details About Will And Kate's Royal Babies

It's just a fact that we're all obsessed with the royal family. We seriously can't get enough of them! Maybe it's because we don't have our own version of the royal family. Well, besides Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Blue Ivy, am I right?! The royals always have the entire world watching their every move – the royal wedding, any time Kate Middleton wears ANYTHING... But everybody went absolutely wild when George and Charlotte were born. And you won't believe some of these secrets about these cute royal babies!

SHAREif you wish you were part of this adorable family!

Surely, it's a crime to be this cute. Look at them. So royally happy! So in love! 

No, wait. THIS is a crime. It's a crime how cute this family is.

Unfair. Where can I sign up to join this family? 

Here are some secrets about Prince George and Princess Charlotte that will make you feel almost part of the family!

We can all dream to even just own a piece of clothing that Kate wore. 

1. It looks like Kate and Will are ready for more beautiful babies! They've let everyone know that they really want a sibling for George and Charlotte.

Rumor has it that they want all three kids to be close in age. Well, it's now or never!

2. William always refers to Charlotte as his "little joy of heaven."

Annnnnndddd this is my cue to start weeping. Look at her face! Pure joy written all over her face.

3. William revealed that Charlotte has been sleeping through the night since she was three months old!

No wonder, Will and Kate look well rested for being parents to two young children!

4. George has already taken to his role as the older brother. He's protective over her and is always making sure she's okay.

That is just too stinking cute. 

5. Charlotte took her steps just before her first birthday. And thankfully, they caught it all on camera! 

Her outfit with the hair bow is just too adorable!

6. George is described by his parents as being "lively" and "noisy." He loves to ride ponies, play with animals, jump in puddles and race his toy tractor around the house. 

His toy collection must be out of this world. 

7. George already knows what he likes and dislikes. His favorite book is The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and his favorite TV show is Fireman Sam. He also happens to love French fries but hates vegetables!

Loves French fries and hates vegetables? George is just like us!

8. George and Charlotte are spoiled with their mom's cooking every night! The family has a nanny and a maid but not a cook. That's all Kate!

9. The kids get to have their parents tuck them in every night! 

Kate and Will switch off giving the babies a bath, reading them a story and tucking them into bed. 

10. Kate had a medical team on call for three months before the delivery of George and Charlotte. The medical team wasn't allowed to drink and always had to be ready to drop everything!

11. William is focused on giving George and Charlotte a very normal childhood. They've moved from London to the quieter countryside. 

William is focused on his children growing up as good people that are dedicated to helping others. Awwww!

12. George already loves going to nursery school. He goes three times a week and Kate is always the one who drops and picks him up from school. 

The kids are cute. The parents are beautiful. Ah, what a great family. COMMENTand tell us if you think another royal baby is coming soon!


Author: verified_user