Sunday, June 7, 2015

'Harry Potter' Easter Eggs That Only A Potterhead Could Spot

My first obsession was Harry Potter. I lived for the books and the movies. Was I the one standing in line at midnight to purchase the new books in a costume? Yes, yes I was. Was I the one going to midnight screenings of the movie? Yes, that was me. I've read the books and I've seen the movies multiple times, but I somehow managed to miss these Easter eggs. Are you a better Harry Potter fan than I am? Check out these amazing hidden Easter eggs. See if you've spotted them before!

1. We'll start off with an easy one. The entrance to Dumbledore's office is a griffin. IT'S LITERALLY A GRIFFIN DOOR. 

Get it?!

2. When Mr. Weasley takes Harry to the Ministry of Magic, they use the visitors' entrance. To enter, Arthur dials 62442. What does that spell? "Magic."

3. Besides this being one of the creepiest scenes ever, does anything look familiar to you? The Basilisk coming out of Salazar Slytherin's mouth looks just like the Dark Mark!

I guess Voldemort was just inspired. 

4. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry and Ron end up predicting exactly what happens in the tasks when they hastily do their Divination homework. 

Harry will be "in danger of burns" because of the dragons in the first task. He will "lose a treasured possession" when he has to save Ron and Hermione from the Merpeople. He will get "stabbed in the back by someone he thought was a friend," aka Professor Moody, and then he will "come off worse in a fight" at a duel with Voldemort.

5. Who's that pale and bald wizard in the painting on the right? Could that be... Voldemort?!

6. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, two characters make sneaky cameos in the background. 

In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, you see Dobby and Winky riding llamas! 


7. There's a special meaning behind Ron's and Hermione's Patronuses. Ron's is a Jack Russell terrier, which love to chase otters. Who has an otter for a Patronus? None other than Hermione! 

8. In the Goblet of Firemovie, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows appears way before they're even mentioned in the books!

9. Remus, Peter, Sirius and James die in the opposite order of the names on the Marauder's Map. 

Lupin was always my fave <3

10. Harry wore the number seven on his Quidditch jersey. This pretty much spells out that he was also the seventh and last Horcrux...

11. In Philosopher's Stone, Professor Snape asks Harry, "‘What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" In the Victorian language of flowers, asphodel is a type of lily and it means "my regrets follow you to the grave." Wormwood is a symbol of bitter sorrow. 

So what does it mean all put together? "I bitterly regret Lily's death."

"After all this time?" "Always."


Leave a COMMENTand tell us if we missed any Easter eggs!


Author: verified_user