Saturday, June 20, 2015

23 Times Fed Up Drivers Took Action Against Awful Parking

The hardest part of owning a car is finding parking in a busy lot or on a side street. There are few things in this world more frustrating than when someone else steals your spot, takes up two spots or parks in an illegal spot and blocks you in. Being late or in a rush is no excuse to park like a jerk and mess up the lot for everyone else.  

These 23 people couldn't take the bad parking anymore and took it upon themselves to carry out some sweet, hilarious revenge. 

1. It takes a special kind of jerk to take up four spots at once.

2. Oh, look! A spot reserved just for this special driver.

3. Maybe next time this guy will read the posted signs.

4. If you're a serial offender, expect drastic retaliation. 

5. At least there is room for the yellow car's driver to get in on the passenger side.

6. There is a reason you don't park in front of a fire hydrant.

Note: This is actually a serious problem for firefighters. Often crews will have to pick up the car and slide it over to keep the hose from being kinked, wasting valuable time. No matter how much of a rush you're in, or how fast you think you will be, it is never okay to block a fire hydrant. 

7. Parking the wrong way across multiple spots? This driver is lucky this is all the warning he got. 

8. Rainbow colors make these angry notes a little less intimidating.

9. Don't mess with a contractor, unless you've got some power tools in the back seat. 

10. Never challenge a paving company. 

11. Luckily, this guy blocked a highly-skilled driver!

12. A kind suggestion from one driver to another on ways improve in the New Year.

13. Hopefully this driver sees this note before the snow melts.

14. Lazy parking at a gym is just kind of sad really.

15. Equally as annoying though...

16. Repeat offenders be warned!

17. Canadians are so nice! Just in case they didn't know how to drive, this person made up a nice little diagram!

18. Office-wide public shame is the most effective solution to a parking problem.

19. Sometimes, it takes a village to teach a lesson.

20. Maybe this will teach Red to park in one spot next time.

21. Parking over the line in a busy lot means getting blocked in - even at another vigilante driver's expense!

22. If you're parked in someone's spot then you have to suffer the consequences. 

23. Curbs are no match for those motivated by revenge. 


Author: verified_user