Saturday, June 20, 2015

16 People Who Are Out To Ruin Your Day

I'm not a betting man, but I am willing to wager that the thing that makes people finally snap is more often than not a very little, insignificant thing. Like I doubt someone who gets into a car crash and survives will then get to work and stab six holes in their computer that keeps freezing. It's way more likely that if someone comes to work and starts stabbing things, it's because the person who made their coffee put cream in when they specifically asked for milk. Or their drive to work was 10 minutes longer because of traffic. Or their significant other has created an underwear graveyard in the corner of the room even though s/he knows you cleaned the entire the house the night before. Those are the things that make people go crazy.

In honor of the delicate dance we perform between sanity and a straight-jacket, I've written an article displaying 16 everyday life experiences that could send us into a mental meltdown. Remember to breathe.

1. The frustration is amplified if it's below zero and you have grocery bags in both hands.

2. I stand at the stove, flipping my vegetables, with absolute contempt on my face.

3. Excellent, a beer to calm my— ... *eye twitches furiously*

4. Zippers don't need pockets, dammit. 

5. You like anarchy? You'll get anarchy when you come home to utensils sticking out of your pillowcase.

6. Why? Why did the GIF end? Do I stop movies 3/4 of the way through and say, "you get the gist of it."

7. I go to great lengths to get drunk and stumble home safely, but now you've gone and undermined my desire to be responsible.

8. Savages. Savages must work at that coffee shop, because who else would do THIS?

9. Well, it looks like no notes will be taken in class today. 

10. If I wanted to scribble out my mistakes, I WOULD HAVE USED A PEN!

11. It's hard to be happy when my kid brings home an A+ test when I see the content of the test he aced. 

12. The one time I actually buy my content to show support for something I like, the world goes and does this to me.

13. If this is how my day is going to start, I think it's as good a time as any for a "personal day."


15. I can feel the pain of my nails bleeding and my gums cut to hell while I try to pry these apart. 

16. This should be considered a treasonous felony. No one cares how in a rush you are, she-devil.

Main image via reddit / MyLifeForAnEType

Collage images via 1. reddit / [deleted] 2. reddit / Lucifers_scrotum 3. reddit / -turnip_the_beet-


Author: verified_user