Monday, June 8, 2015

15 People With A Bright Future

In an election year, it's easy to become consumed by this idea that we're somehow on this expedited path to the world ending. This happens every four years, but this election cycle is particularly bad for it. The truth is, however, that no matter who gets elected to office, the world will continue to spin and we'll still continue to over-fish the oceans and make dank memes. Same as always. 

But for some of us, the future looks particularly bright. This is mostly true for babies because their will to live hasn't been sucked from their big, little hearts...yet. So today, we're going to pay homage to the people on the up-and-up in hopes that I can prove to you, not all is bad in this crazy world of ours. 

1. She's accepted her future: fur balls and nights alone.

2. The new international language.

3. The perks of getting a Masters in Medieval Farming Techniques.

4. Ho-ly crap, he's back in baby form. 

Get this baby into acting classes.

5. I'm sure she's learned her lesson and will never again be tracked 24/7 by an ankle monitor.

6. Trouble-makers in the future: they're going to have it SO good.

7. This is how you give you kids a bright future.

8. And by "bright' future, we mean a future with a lot of gold-plated jewelry.

9. When the machines take over, they will adopt her as one of their own. 

So her future is bright. But for the rest of us flesh-bags...not so much.

10. We have an amazing future ahead of us, people. I can't even.

11. "Your move, peasant." –Baby, probably.

12. "I will make you into something beautiful, George."

13. Right now he's having lunch with three Swedish supermodels on a beach in Portugal. What a future.

14. I wonder where the not-preteen kid is now.

15. Make your baby cool NOW. S/he will thank-you for saving them money in the future.


Author: verified_user