Sunday, June 7, 2015

14 Cringeworthy Facts About The Human Body

The human body is an unbelievably complicated biological machine. It is made up of millions of different types of cells that work in concert to create you. As we all know, though, this magnificent collection of biological systems can be pretty disgusting at times.

A group of Reddit users were given the task to come up with some of the most disturbing facts about the human body, and they were beautifully cringeworthy.

Take some time to go through this list of 14 disturbing facts about the human body. You're going to love these.

SHARE this article with your friends on Facebook. #11 gave me goosebumps.

1. "You have a friendly symbiotic relationship with bacteria in your gut that keeps you healthy and helps you digest food. When you die, they will eat you." - tongmengjia

Turns out, this is true.

2. "When you blush, the lining of your stomach blushes too." - nervoushark

Read more here!

I love the top comment for this fact on Reddit.

3. "After giving birth, ladies are advised [that] they don't need to tell the doctor about the huge clots falling out their vagina until they're bigger than a lemon." - McSpackle

Totally true. FYI, some doctors recommend contacting a doctor if a clot is larger than a golf ball.

4. "Three hundred million of your cells die every minute." - SUPERLARGEPRINT

Read more here.

5. "Had brain surgery — did you know, in some cases, they peel your face forward like a banana peel [during surgery]?"

Another Reddit user said in reply that, "Actually, from having 10+ brain surgeries, I did know this, and have two scars that overlap [sic] eachother going from one ear to the other. My dad says he has pics somewhere....somehow I've never seen them, LOL. I'm okay with not ever seeing that."

6. "A woman's uterus can fall out of her vagina if the muscles are too weak... nope nope nope" - Khad1013

Unfortunately, this is very true.

7. "If you could scrunch together all the bacteria living on the outside of your body, they would take up about the same amount of space as a pea." - [deleted]

100 billion individual bacteria will do that.

8. "We all have mites in our eyelashes which embed their heads into your hair follicles." - MaxQuordlepleen

Demodex mites are one type.

9. "Humans shed 40 pounds of skin in their lifetimes" - Honkeyass

That's too much, gross!

10. "If you ever see the skull of a child, you will see teeth where I do not want teeth to be. The photographs made me so ill. Their heads are just filled with teeth!" -[deleted]

They are called deciduous teeth.

11. Apparently, bones can develop cancer... "This is the skull of someone who had bone cancer." - hell_monkey

This is a skull affected by Sarcoma Cranii.

12. "Some tumors can grow teeth." - MarkGleason

Teratomas are one type that can contain teeth, bone, and hair.

13. "Bellybuttons are gross because they're usually not washed. Stick your finger in yours and then smell it." - danooli

No thanks, danooli.

14. "Bone dust smells like Cool Ranch Doritos." - KiraOsteo

While not scientifically cited, KiraOsteo said, "Source: the things one learns in Gross Dissection Lab."

SHARE this article with your friends on Facebook. They probably didn't know this much about their own bodies.


Author: verified_user