Sunday, May 17, 2015

I Guess That Explains Why I Watch So Many Cartoons

With all the messy pitfalls that come with being an adult, it really shouldn't be a surprise that a lot of us aren't that keen on growing up. 

A lot of us were told to put away childish things as we came up, so it's not unusual for people to nag us about watching cartoons, eating junk food and playing video games. 

But you know what? If I have to handle bills, work, school andmy relationships with maturity, I'm gonna do whatever I want outside of that. 

So let's get our SpongeBob on and let Peter Pan be our guide today. Growing up can wait.

1. I think I can fix this, but I'm gonna need a turtle shell.

Then once we get it all tuned up, we can add the mushroom and really start flying.

2. If we could just step into one of these all the time, we'd never be mad at anything.

Bonus points if it's filled with ice cream.

3. Yeah, the best way to get me to do anything as a kid was to bribe me with either these or Pokémon cards.

And when I graduated from candy to cash, that's when I knew I became a man.

4. Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of tears at that birthday party.

You definitely want to eat that quickly before it invades your dreams.

5. Yeah, the only difference is that their kids don't break the jungle gym when they goof around on it.

It pretty much takes everything you've got to not just become an accountant at that point.

6. Whoa, adulting is scarier than I thought.

Do these things just self-destruct when they know we can't handle them? Like, how does this even happen?


Author: verified_user