1. All tied up
Some teachers will yell or wake a person up, this guy goes the extra mile to shorten this kid's stride.
2. Be awesome!
I've had some profs with unrealistic expectations before, but this is epic. If anyone's tried #6 let me know — now I'm curious too.
3. Book an... appointment or else I'll... kick you... in the throat
A play on words with a sweet Walken reference? Count me in! Especiallyif they can nail the impression during our meeting.
4. The art of misdirection
This prof was hardly ever in his office, so he printed this full sized poster and hung it on his door. The lesson? How to avoid extra work at all costs. Priceless.
5. Going Ga-Ga for science!
An easier way to remember these elemental symbols now that this song is stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Thanks professor.
6. How do we know... oh, OK!
This prof went full on Hulkamania after so many students kept asking the same questions over and over. Bravo, brother!
7. Netflix and fail
This clever printout was posted by the university after realizing why their students were so chill all the time.
8. Welcome to the real world
This is what Jiminy Cricket would've told Pinocchio years later after becoming a real person. Grow up, Pinocchio! Your life is a lie!
9. Dress for the language you want not the language you speak
This Chinese language teacher makes his students wear this when presenting. Could look nice with a good haircut.
10. A small percentage of the population are dumbos
With this test, we can find who is in the 4.5% of people who are colorblind idiots.
11. Learn to help yourself
I wonder how many kids actually went around asking for Ms. Waite...
12. Conquer your fears
A gay teacher responded with this outfit after a student said, ""I'm glad gays can't marry here. They scare me, kinda like clowns."
13. Yo momma don't know physics!
Who's your physics professor? Chris Rock?
14. Canadian kids have got to tough it out
After students weren't showing up to class due to Canadian weather, this prof showed off his meme finesse. As they say in the north, "winter is coming."
15. The power of the dark side!
This pic was snapped during a biochem class. Apparently the prof in this costume is 6'6". Impressive... most impressive.
16. Evil! Just pure evil
And I thought Professor Vader over there was teaching the dark side. This is one heck of a mind game — what would you do?
17. Evolve!
It may seem like a dis, but when you think about it, it's actually pretty motivating. Also I had no idea Pokémon were that old.
18. How to internet
It's the little things about the net that can make all the difference.
19. Shaaaame, Shaaaame...
This teacher made it clear that the students volunteered to have these pictures done. But wow, quiz shaming has got to be an effective teaching method, to say the least.
20. Embrace your failures
Not the most encouraging lesson, but hey, maybe they were all colorblind or something? Bunch of dumbos.
Collage images via 1. reddit / theforrealdeal 2. reddit / allegro48 3. reddit / [deleted]