Tuesday, April 21, 2015

16 'I Wish I Thought Of That' Moments From Basically Geniuses

Seems like the internet is a wealth of ideas these days. Sure, some are terrible and borderline re-donk-u-lous, but every now and then, you'll come across something and won't be able to help but think, "I wish I thought of that!" 

Well, today I'm bringing you a ton of those cool and funny ideas people have had that I'm totally jealous of. I'm always looking for more, so let me know what brilliant ideas you've had (or have heard of) in the comments!


1. Bold move, my friend

2. Love a good office prank

3. This man is my hero

4. Mo' slurpy, no problems!

5. This one's good for, you know, the farts and stuff

6. I'd pay good money to see this

7. I see what you did there

8. Now that'san entrepreneur! 

9. Maybe not the most sanitary, but damn if it isn't efficient!

10. And now, we wait...

11. Finally, a baby that's good for something

12. Pretty friggin' smart, if he gets away with it...

13. Now there's a wedding I'd actually like to go to

14. Probably the best idea for a shirt ever made

15. When the prof thinks you're studying, but you're really on your pizza

16. And lastly, here's one that I definitely need to use


Author: verified_user