1. Don't wait too long to text them.
All your wasted hours of watching crappy rom-coms while weeping into your empty container of ice cream have probably left you with the false impression that you should wait a certain amount of days before reaching out to your crush. WRONG! It's probably better to text them sooner rather than later. Otherwise they may think you've lost interest or were just leading them on and, trust me, that ain't cool.
2. If they don't answer right away, don't bombard them with more messages.
So it's already been 25 whole seconds and that special someone still hasn't replied to your "hey"? Definitely don't send them another "hey" or "are you there?" or even a "wtf why won't you answer me?!" Give them some time...
3. Definitely don't open up with a selfie.
Imagine if instead of opening up a face-to-face conversation with a hello or a handshake, you just stared quietly at someone. That's basically what starting a text chat with a selfie is like.
4. Don't EVER drink and text your crush.
So you were so nervous about texting your crush that you decided to first take a few swigs of the stiff stuff. That's fine and dandy, but definitely don't hit send unless you feel like never speaking to them again. Seriously, drunk texting KILLS potential relationships. It's never a good idea and it never will be.
5. Don't start off with a "hey," a "hi," or a "hello."
These words demonstrate one thing and one thing only — you were too lazy to text anything else. For the most part, autocorrect fills these words in for you! You literally only clicked the letter H and then send. Be creative! Open up! Ask questions! Just do SOMETHING!
6. Don't misspell your words or use slang.
Making a first impression is already difficult, so don't ruin your chances by using the word "kewl." To be honest, don't EVER use the word "kewl," and if someone ever sends you the word "kewl," just delete them from your life.
7. Don't be needy.
To put it plain and simple — neediness isn't hot. Replying too fast and texting nonstop is going to leave your crush terrified. Seriously — over-texting is like flirt repellent. Just play it cool.
8. Don't send nudes.
It may seem obvious, but you'd be shocked at how many people start a chat with a picture of the goods and don't know why they don't get a serious response. Ever heard of coming on too strong? Yeah...
9. Don't overuse "LOL" or "ahahahha."
We're all guilty of this at one point or another, but it's really a major texting turnoff. Even if your chat isn't flirtatious at all, this will just kill whatever mood there once was.
10. Don't have too much fun with emojis.
Let's be honest — there are way more emojis in the world than we really need. That doesn't mean you have to find ways to incorporate them into all of your conversations. In fact, just ignore them all together.
11. Don't jump into serious topics too quickly.
Assuming that you haven't texted this person before, I highly doubt that they're interested in your problems at work or that weird birthmark-looking thing on your upper thigh. Stick to small talk.
12. Don't end everything with an exclamation point!!!
I really can't stress this enough. Nobody — I repeat, NOBODY — is that excited about anything. Much like the excessive "ahahahah" or "LOL", too many exclamation points just makes it look like you're shouting at the other person. Nobody likes being yelled at...