Sunday, March 1, 2015

Entire Bodies Lie Beneath The Easter Island Heads

When you're out in the middle of nowhere, boredom and loneliness can be as deadly as starvation. So to keep yourself present and focused, you may get into some habits that people won't necessarily understand. You may not end up talking to a volley ball, but sometimes you have to go to some intense lengths to keep yourself sane.

It's still a mystery whether this was what led the people of Easter Island to construct their famous statues. Since they were built long before anyone else discovered the island, information is scarce.

But thanks to some archaeologists, these statues may not be as mysterious as we once thought.

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When you see photos of the island, one thing always stands out.

And that's these great statues showing people with massive heads. 

You can find these statues, called moai, all throughout the island.

We know there are 887 of them and they were built by early Polynesians between the years 1100 and 1500. 

And you may notice some of them have these strange red hats.

It turns out these are actually rock models of hair.

But in recent years, we've found something else out about these giant heads.

And it looks like they're more than meets the eye.

There was an entire body resting beneath each head all along.

And as far as we can tell, they were never meant to be buried. A lot can happen in about 900 years.

But why did they build these moai?

As far as we can tell, they were meant to honor the islanders' ancestors. And they likely made a new one every time one of their leaders died, which would explain why there's so many of them.

Yet, these great statues came at a horrible cost.

The early Polynesians used up all of the island's trees to build the moai. This move ended up killing many of them.


Author: verified_user