Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Americans Reveal Their Biggest Relationship Deal-Breakers

Dating is difficult at the best of times, so you need to have a way of fighting through the duds. Even when you meet perfectly nice, reasonable people, you might just not be a good match. You have to know yourself to some degree to figure out what traits you desire in a partner, what you can tolerate, what will drive you up the wall, and what will send you screaming into the night.

So which traits do most of us avoid in our romances? Science has the answer. In a series of studies, researchers surveyed thousands of single Americans to find out which traits are non-starters when they're dating, choosing from a list of 17. Men and women were surprisingly similar in a few of their responses, although the researchers noted that men and women "are more alike than different."

What's your relationship deal-breaker? COMMENT to let us know!

17. Not Athletic

Overall, 6 percent of respondents thought a lack of athletic ability would make them overlook a potential partner, with men slightly more prone than women to use this as a deal-breaker.

16. Too Athletic

At the other end of the spectrum, 9 percent wouldn't move forward with someone who was overly athletic. Women were noticeably more likely to say this than men.

15. Had Kids

They're not for everyone, and 13 percent said kids were a deal-breaker, with men only slightly more likely to point to kids as the reason they didn't want to be with someone.

14. Does Not Want Kids

Kids are a huge commitment and inspire passionate feelings, so you should know if you want them before getting into a long-term relationship. Not wanting kids was a deal-breaker for 14 percent of respondents, with women holding a slight edge.

13. Blunt

Telling it like it is without tact and diplomacy can cause too much friction for 14 percent of respondents, and women were more likely to find this a deal-breaker than men.

12. Too Quiet

Fourteen percent of respondents need somebody to make some noise once in a while, with women more likely than men to pass over quiet partners.

11. Talks Too Much

Chatterboxes are more than 23 percent of respondents can handle, with men much more likely than women to call motormouth a deal-breaker.

10. Stubborn

Inflexibility is not an attractive trait to 33 percent of respondents, with men and women about equally likely to be unable to deal with stubbornness.

9. Low Sex Drive

Intimacy isn't all about sex, but it's not not about sex either. And for 33 percent of respondents — and many more men than women — a low sex drive was too big a hurdle to overcome.

8. Too Much Screen Time

Spending too much time planted in front of the TV or playing video games was a non-starter for 33 percent of respondents, with women far more likely to find this problematic.

7. Lacking Self-Confidence

Forty percent of respondents need their partners to have at least some backbone, and for women, this was a serious deal-breaker.

6. Bad Sex

If there's anything worse than not getting enough, it's getting too much of a disappointing experience, with 47 percent unwilling to put up with bad sex. Women were a bit more likely than men to call bad sex a deal-breaker.

5. Living More Than Three Hours Away

Distance has killed many relationships, and for 49 percent, it's enough to not even start a relationship. Men were more likely to find distance a deal-breaker than women.

4. No Sense Of Humor

Nobody wants to have all their jokes fall flat, and 54 percent couldn't face a relationship without laughter. Women were more likely than men to need a sense of humor in their partners.

3. Too Needy

A constant barrage of needs is too much for 63 percent of people, with women far more likely to find their partners too needy than men.

2. Lazy

Everybody wants to be with someone who can do things for themselves. It's not rocket science. And for 66 percent of respondents, laziness was a deal-breaker, with women much more likely to find their potential partners too lazy to deal with.

1. Unkempt Appearance

Looks matter more than anything else. You have to want to be seen in public with your partner. For 67 percent of respondents, and more women than men, putting some effort into your appearance was a must-have.

The top deal-breakers for men were "having kids, talking too much, living too far away, and having a low sex drive." For women, "lacking self-confidence, being too lazy, being too needy, and too much screen time" were the biggest deal-breakers. What's your relationship deal-breaker? COMMENT to let us know!


Author: verified_user