Friday, February 6, 2015

21 Pictures That Prove Drunk You Is Better Than Sober You

Do you ever wake up after a night of drinking and wish you could kill drunk you? This anger usually comes from looking at last night's texts or waking up covered in one or another of your own bodily excretions. Drunk you is the absolute worst. 

Or are they? Have you ever considered that the reason you drink is because drunk you is actually better than sober you? Maybe sober you is a boring sac of trash whose only concern is getting up in time to do laundry on Sunday. Whereas drunk you is willing to make friends with homeless people and do fun things in bed with hot dogs (sometimes with the homeless people...jk). With that in mind, here is a tribute to the very best of drunk you!

1. Drunk you has the best taste in food

As a sandwich purist, it must either be all bread or all meat!

2. Drunk you has the best sense of humor

And clearly wants to come back out to play this morning.

3. Drunk you gets what you want

Drunk you also understands that walking a block to the nearest McDonald's is a waste of time that could be better spent getting more drunk and taking selfies with your cat.

4. Drunk you is an amazing gift giver.

Happy Mother's Day!

5. Drunk you knows how to keep your personal belongings safe

Except for that one time drunk you left your wallet in the cab, or flushed your phone down the toilet, or tried to give a homeless man your roommate's new blender.

6. Drunk you wastes not

When a Jell-O shot is spilled, this is the only acceptable action.

7. Drunk you is resourceful AF

And never gives up. You will have that ravioli even if it has a couple of your fingers in it by the time you cook it.

8. Drunk you is a considerate and caring person

Because drunk you actually knows what happened last night, they will always check in to make sure sober you arrived home intact. 

9. Drunk you is innovative! 

Hopefully, drunk you is also good at putting out fires...

10. Drunk you loves to organize

Literally anything, except your actual life.

11. Drunk you understands that time is a man made illusion that keeps everyone imprisoned

 And in order to be free, we must break it. 

12. Drunk you never says no to a dare

That's dedication for you.

13. Drunk you is responsible

Sober you probably would have just bought lunch, but drunk you knows the benefits of brown bagging it. Drunk you also clearly understands the benefits of drinking at work.

14. Drunk you is honest

And always remembers to feed the dog.

15. Again, drunk you is responsible

Always remembering to put life's most important events in your calendar.

16. Drunk you thinks ahead

Sometimes even drunkest you needs a reminder from drunk you.

17. Drunk you is talented

And not afraid to share that with the world of social media.

18. Drunk you is all about safety.

Computer charger cords are like death traps when you are 1. drunk and 2. hungover.

19. Seriously, safety always comes first

A couple people got alcohol poisoning, but everyone got a cab!

20. Drunk you always sees the positive side of things

Like, sure, you smell like burrito vomit, but it's not your burrito vomit. Yay!

21. There is always a purpose to what drunk you does

You just don't understand it. Have a couple drinks and you might.

Main image via reddit / Drewdledoo

Collage image via 1. reddit / AbstractCeilingFan 2. reddit / wookiebread


Author: verified_user