Monday, February 9, 2015

16 Memes People From The Future Won't Know What To Do With

As much as we try to keep the story of how we got here straight, sometimes some fakery manages to slip into our history. For instance, you may have heard of the iron maiden. Aside from being an awesome metal band, it was a fearsome medieval device that never really existed.

That's right, someone just kind of made it up a couple of hundred years ago and we all fell for it until pretty recently.

Finding out about this got me to thinking. What if the silly memes we make today actually ended up being taken seriously by future archaeologists?

When you think about it, it's not really that farfetched. Most memes are relatable and deal with things we all go through, so it's not impossible that they could help the people of the future figure out what life was like for us. 

But here are 16 reasons that they probably shouldn't, because our senses of humor can get weirdsometimes.

1. So many memes are about how much we love memes, so they might think something like this really happens.

"For the people of the 2010s, life without memes was such a terrifying possibility that even water seemed less important." 

2. If that happens, we'll have some weird stuff in our history books.

Like, remember that time we solved the California drought by mailing them envelopes full of water? Well, it might as well have happened now.   

3. Man, I'd love it if they actually end up thinking we all strived to look like this.

I mean, don't get me wrong, we should. An Olympics filled with penguin-headed people wearing tables would be the best thing ever.

But it's probably not gonna happen. 

4. Hahaha, some day we might actually find fossils of phones with lasting battery life.

But the idea of that happening already kind of tickles me.

And we can really get weird if our memes end up being taken seriously.

5. Ah, I think we all know someone who served in the great phone war of 2016.

Though the Nokia's battery life gave it the early advantage, the Galaxy 7's surprise attack ended up winning the day.

That's why we saw the phone fossil in the last picture. See? It's all coming together now.

6. Our cutesy way of talking about animals might make the future think we actually became dumber around them.

I mean, that's half-true, but we at least know we're doing it.

7. If they find the right memes, they'll also think we decided that every animal is a dog.

And when this stops, they'll think we actually came together to officially change it back instead of just getting bored with the joke.

8. They're also gonna have a hard time figuring out how Bee Movie and Kermit became so important.

If the American Film Institute of 2106 officially recognizes Bee Movie, we will finally have won at history. You can't even win at history and we'll have done it.

9. But remember, our love of Kermit had a dark side.

"Soon, the people of the 2010s discovered a Dark Kermit that convinced them to destroy their own lives."

It was a dark time, indeed.

10. "As you can see, memes were so important that entire relationships were founded on them."

This can't really be going on...right?

11. I wonder if we can convince them that folks were really out here painting snakes.

The best part would be if some nerd was like, "Um, actually, back then they were called dogs."

12. Then, of course, there was that awful couple of months where cooking was illegal.

So people had to speak in code whenever they did it. They always ended it with a mangling of "bon appétit" to help the right people decode their messages.

13. Hahaha, I can't even guess what they'll think this is all about.

I'd love to time travel just to see what grand secrets this is supposed to reveal.

14. Of course, it's not like people always get it even now.

That's why we have this one, which will probably be compared to the Rosetta Stone one day.

15. If there's one thing they'll have right, it's that we really hated 2016.

Hopefully, they'll be looking back on us from a much better one.

16. As you can see, we also developed the technology for teleporting our faces onto each other!

Unfortunately, it led to some tragic and nightmarish results for our more daring pioneers. 


Author: verified_user