Saturday, February 7, 2015

14 Things That Happened On 'The Simpsons' Since You Stopped Watching It


The pinnacle of The Simpsonswas way back in the '90s and a little into 2000s... and then, it's like the world stopped watching.

There's like an unspoken era from which "real" Simpsonsfans can easily quote from and then anything after that is like a blur.

It sometimes comes on, but we ignore it. Although if we see the Mr. Plow episode, the monorail, or Flamin' Moes on TV we'll watch it even after we've seen it a million times before.

Maybe you should sit down and see what's happened on the show since you stopped watching...

1. Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel FINALLY got engaged but she got cold feet and left him at the altar...

Principal Skinner proposed to her in Season 14 they were going to get hitched in the following season during “My Big Fat Geek Wedding." When Krabappel heard that Skinner was having doubts, she called it off.

2. Mr. Smithers finally came out and told Mr. Burns he was a gay man... 

But Burns told him he "is someone I give less thought to than the little piece of popcorn stuck in my tooth." The episode was written by longtime show writer Rob LaZebnik as a way to show his support for his own gay son, Johnny.

3. Marge's chain-smoking sister Selma adopted a daughter from China in Season 16. 

Although she's always wanted a kid, she found out that she was going through menopause. 2005's episode “Goo Goo Gai Pain” involved Homer pretending he's Selma's husband and them trying to convince China to fork over the kid.

4. Milhouse’s parents got remarried... REMARRIED.

They broke up over an EPIC game of Pictionary and inspired Kirk Van Houten's tape "Can I Borrow A Feeling." But they took a cruise and had their second honeymoon – and got marooned before ending up together.

5. Homer's hippy fugitive mother Mona Simpson died.

She tried to come back and make amends for being on the run but Homer refuses. He eventually caves and when he goes downstairs and finds her dead.

6. Springfield was rebuilt and EVERYONE in the city goes there and abandons the old one.

In Season 23's "At Long Last Leave,” the Springfield townspeople held a secret meeting to kick out the Simpsons and force them into the outskirts – but then everyone loves the lawlessness there and they all move out there. 
7. Fat Tony died... only to be replaced by his thin cousin, Fit Tony, who gains a bunch of weight and becomes "Fat Tony."

In the Season 22 episode “Donnie Fatso," the Springfield crime boss Fat Tony dies from a heart attack after he’s shocked to find out Homer was a government snitch.

8. Marge's other Patty came out of the closet...

In the Season 16 episode “There’s Something About Marrying” where she comes out and Marge is SHOCKED. SHOCKED.

9. Selma married BOTH Abe Simpson and Fat Tony.

Turns out that her and Abe fell in love after they babysat the kids together but they annoyed the hell out of each other.

10. In Season 16, we actually find out what Comic Book Guy's real name is: “My name is Jeff Albertson, but everyone calls me ‘Comic Book Guy.'”

Matt Groening wasn't there when that happened and wasn't thrilled. He said he “had a different, much more tragic design, but I was out of the room when [the writers] named him. In my mind, ‘Louis Lane’ was his name, and he was obsessed and tormented by Lois Lane.”

11. Ned Flanders and Mrs. Krabappel got married.Seriously....

Flanders saved Krabappel from falling off a ladder and they got together. And then there was a fan poll and the fans chose to keep them together. At the end of Season 23's episode “Ned ‘n Edna’s Blend” they get secretly married and the town throws them a party.

12. In a future episode “Holidays of Future Passed” was written as series finale in case contract negotiations didn't go through.

Turns out that 30 years in the future both Bart and Lisa are middle-aged parents. Bart is divorced with two sons, Lisa is married to Milhouse and Maggie is the lead singer for a famous band.

13. We find out that Homer and Marge haven't been married for 12 years.

In Season 20’s “Wedding for Disaster” we find out that Reverend Lovejoy didn’t have a valid license to perform weddings!

14. There was a crossover episode The Simpsons had with Family Guy.

It wasn't too bad, by the way.

COMMENTand tell us if you would go back to The Simpsons!


Author: verified_user