In fact, they did so much research, they anticipated ways to use your phone that you might not have thought of. And they generally wouldn't occur to most of us. But there are ways you can swipe, tap, and pinch your fingers and thumbs to make your phone do all kinds of things you never knew.
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1. Swipe down to save a draft in Mail
Because sometimes you need to have a look at other emails while you're writing one, you can just swipe down to save a draft and go directly back to your inbox. You can recall all your drafts by tapping and holding the compose icon in the bottom right corner.
2. Tap and drag your finger to select multiple photos
Select multiple pics in the Photo app by tapping one and dragging your finger across the other ones you want to select. A blue checkmark will appear as they're selected.
3. Archive messages by tapping and holding the trash icon
In the Mail app, you can delete a message with a tap of the trash icon, or you can archive that message by tapping and holding the trash icon.
4. Swipe right to go back a screen
In most Apple apps, you can go back a screen by swiping right or go forward by swiping left.
5. In Calculator, swipe right to delete digits.
If you get carried away putting numbers into the calculator, delete digits one at a time by swiping right rather than hitting the 'C' and having to start all over again.
6. Shake to undo
This is an older trick, but when you show it to someone who's never seen it before, it's like they've seen sunshine for the first time. When you make a mistake or re-think your text, just shake the phone to undo it. And if you decide you want that message in after all, shake your phone again to redo the typing.
7. Tap and hold to switch keyboards
The keyboard on the iPhone is good, but you have to keep switching between letters and numbers and symbols to type everything out right. Switch quickly by tapping and holding the 123 symbol, dragging your finger to the number you want, and then releasing your finger.
8. In iMessage, swipe down to hide the keyboard
Make a text chain easier to read by swiping down on the most recent message to hide the keyboard. Tap inside the message history to bring the keyboard back.
9. In Safari, tap and hold to bring back closed tabs
If you close a page down before you're done with it, don't panic. Just tap and hold the + icon in Safari's tab view to show your recently closed tabs.
10. Zoom in on videos with a pinch
You probably already use the pinch to zoom in on maps and pictures, but did you know it works on videos you take with your iPhone too?
11. Zoom quicker in Apple Maps
When pinching isn't practical, you can zoom in with a double tap or zoom out with a two-fingered tap.
12. See details in iMessage by swiping left
There are details to your text message conversations that don't show up on the screen. If you swipe left, you can see what time each message came in.
13. Change the scrubbing speed of songs or videos by tapping and dragging
The scrubbing speed refers to how quickly you fast forward or reverse through a file. If it's jumping too fast for you and you want to slow it down, tap and hold the playback bar and then drag it up to get better control over the scrubbing speed.
14. Swipe down to hear text
You have to set this up by going into Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech and Speak Screen. After that, drag down on any screen with two fingers to have the text read out to you. The bar at the top allows you to speed up or slow down the rate of speech.
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