Monday, January 26, 2015

Parents Transform Bare Walls Into A Magical Playroom Mural

When this dad learned he had another wild thing on the way, he set out to make the bedroom jungle ready for its new occupant.

I love the choice of Where the Wild Things Are as a subject. It’s playful and graphic, while also hinting toward the inevitable wild rumpuses to come. 

The starting point.

The original wall was painted a neutral color — nice, but plain for a kids' room. I kind of love the little teepee, though, and hope it was returned when the mural was completed. A little tent in the jungle.

Transferring the sketch.

Smart use of a projector made copying the line drawing onto the wall a cinch. 

Masking the basic shapes.

Once the sketch was complete, he masked off the big shapes with painter's tape and began to block in the colors with acrylic paint.

More base colors.

Once the grass and sky are blocked out, the masking tape can be removed.

Beginning to bring out the details.

More of the big shapes have been filled in, and he has started to draw in the details for the wild thing. 

The wild thing takes shape.

After filling in some more base colors, a paint pen was used to create the wild thing's hair. 

A quick change of direction.

In a great example of recovering from an unexpected result, the artist found that the hair was too shiny. So he redid it with regular paint. 

Bringing out the details.

Pigma ink is used to begin adding details to the faces of both Max and the wild thing. 

More work on the background.

Simple details in the background are starting to take shape. The big tree has shadows and highlights, and there are leaves added behind the wild thing. 

Finishing touches.

Final detailing to all of the components really makes the mural pop. I particularly like how such simple strokes in different shades of green makes the grass have so much more movement. 

The finished product!

Ta-da! After adding a few more details and an extra tree to help balance the frame, the final mural is complete. It really captures the feel of the original illustrations. I could eat it up!

Thanks to billyt99 on reddit for sharing his project. It’ll be a great reminder that his new kid will be in a place where someone loves them best of all. 

h/t: reddit / billyt99


Author: verified_user