Saturday, January 17, 2015

16 Weird Rules Disney World Employees Have To Follow

Have you ever wondered what it's like to work at the happiest place on earth? Well, according to the employees, it's unlike any other job in the world. And how could it be? You get to slip on a costume and play a character all day! To keep everything running smoothly, Disney has some rules for all their employees to follow. Take a look at this list of strict and weird rules!

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1. You're not an employee when you work for Disney. You're a cast member.

Everyone from characters, ride operators to janitors are cast members!

2. Say goodbye to social media! Cast members are banned from using social media to talk about their job.

Cast members aren't allowed to post about which character they play or what their job includes. So you better be able to say goodbye to tweeting everything about your life if you want to work for Disney!

3. Cast members know everything. Absolutely everything. They aren't allowed to not know.

Cast members aren't allowed to say "I don't know." If cast members don't have an answer, they are required to pick up a phone and call an operator. 

4. Autograph training exists. And it's intense.

Cast members are trained and given strict guidelines on how to sign autographs like their character. This way, if people look back on the same character from earlier, but played by a different actor, it'll look the same!

5. If you want the part, you gotta look the part. To be a character, you have to fit within the height restrictions.

To be a Disney princess, you have to be between 5’4″ and 5’8". Not in that range? Have no fear! If you want to play Wendy from Peter Pan or Alice in Alice in Wonderland, you can be between 4’11” and 5’2″.

6. There are rules for facial hair too! Cast members must keep their facial hair neatly trimmed. 

7. There are more hair rules! Cast members can't have shaved eyebrows and women have to have perfectly neat hair.

Women are allowed to have conservative hair styles, like ponytails and braids. But no beads. Disney is very specific about their no beads policy.

8. We have a Code V in the Magic Kingdom! Cast members refer to vomit as a "Code V" or a "protein spill."

9. Trash is the enemy at Disney World! All cast members have to pick it up... in a special way. 

You can't just stop and bend over to pick it up. Nope! Cast members are trained in the "swoop and scoop" method. How does that look? I have no idea but next time you're at Disney World, pay attention to how they do it!

10. Cast members can never point with just one finger.

Cast members are taught to use two fingers because pointing with one finger is considered rude in some cultures. Also, if the cast members use two fingers, it's easier for kids to see! 

11. I hope you're always in a good mood! Cast members are not allowed to frown or have bad posture.

12. You better love your natural nails, ladies! Women aren't allowed to wear nail polish and their nails can only be a quarter inch past their fingers.

That means no fancy nail art for you! You can stop trying out those Pinterest and YouTube nail tutorials.

13. Cast members can't share the same first name. 

If two or more cast members share a first name, only one is allowed to keep it. Others will have to choose another name to go by. So weird, right?

14. Your favorite glasses might not make the cut when working at Disney.

Glasses have to be a conservative color with no brands or logos visible. So kind of like Carl from Up

15. The golden rule of Disney world: Never break character. 

Once the costume is on, you are 100% that character. The way you speak and act, your personality and interests are all the character's. You can only stop being the character when the costume comes off!

16. Nothing exists out of Disney.

When characters put on those costumes, they can't discuss anything outside of Disney. That means: they don't have knowledge of brands, sports teams, Looney Tunes or technology. 

So do you still wish you could work at Disney World? COMMENT and let us know which rule you think is the craziest!

Main image via Wikipedia

Collage image via 1. Kenny the Pirate 2. We Heart It


Author: verified_user