Tuesday, January 20, 2015

15 Girlfriends We Wish We Had

In the dating game, you win some and you lose some. In my personal past, it's been mostly lose. Fortunately, it's true what they say: there are plenty of fish in the sea. If you don't think the perfect girl is out there, just check out these funny, brilliant examples of girlfriends we all wish we had...

1. That's a definite win

2. Communication is key!

3. Now that'sa combo

4. A soulmate that's a troll-mate is very cool

Speaking of girlfriends and beer...

5. A gift perfect for any occasion, really...

6. Hell yeah, she wants in on that!

7. They're so cute when they're friggin' loaded

8. And there's nothing better than when she accepts your "late night requests" 

These next ones I didn't even know were possible!

9. I never thought I'd see the day that this came to be...

10. When she actually appreciates the little things you do!

11. You play together, you stay together 

12. Love is understanding each others' Star Wars references...

13. Sometimes, it's the little things that make a perfect girl

14. When you're sick, but your girlfriend is siiiik

15. And of course, it's incredible that she accepts your flaws and loves you anyway


Author: verified_user