Monday, June 18, 2018

Get Rid Of Ants Using Borax

Ants: those tiny little creatures that can be extremely invasive and annoying, especially during the Summer. The warmer the weather becomes, the more ants you'll begin to see around your food and garden, decimating your beautiful plants. While there are plenty of store-bought products that can help get rid of ants (like Raid), they tend to be a bit on the smelly side, and most people don't always have them handy. Enter Greg the Gardener...

Greg is all too familiar with the havoc that ants can wreak upon unsuspecting homeowners, so he decided to share his secret on how to get rid of them with some simple items that most people have laying around their homes. While it may sound a bit far-fetched, the demonstration in the video clears up any doubt. So, what are these things you need? Simple! Sugar, honey, and borax (a common household stain remover). First, boil some water. Next, add six teaspoons of sugar and borax into a cup, then add the boiling water and stir it all together. Once it dissolves, add in some honey. The honey, along with the sugar, gives the ants something to come running after. Once the mixture cools (adding boiling water to plastic is a recipe for disaster), pour the mixture into a spray bottle and you're ready to go! 


Author: verified_user