1. Sneaky kid thought he would get to the cookie jar when his mom wasn't looking
2. Well that's embarrassing
Although when she finds out she'll probably put a hole in him with that riffle
3. Nice try, creepo
4. What I would give to be a fly on the wall for this conversation
5. Exposed as a creep on live television
You had a good run, though
6. "Babe, you said this was our special place"
7. Trolls never let anything slip
8. The real question is why the hell is your boss creeping you out on Tinder?
9. She's very familiar with Target's inventory, apparently
10. A dead giveaway
11. Joke thieves are the worst kind of criminals
I hate myself for it
12. Foiled again by the power of science and deductive reasoning
13. The Natty Ice was what gave him up
They don't sell that in VIP
14. Like hell you are
15. It was worth the trouble
16. Wedding ring? Oh, noooww I remember