Thursday, April 5, 2018

14 Kids Who Are Feeling A Little Left Out

We all remember what it was like being a kid and getting excluded from things. It wasn't the greatest, but we all dealt with it in our own ways. A lot of the time, the exclusion came from a place of safety — like, let's not let little Timmy manage the wait staff at Applebee's. But here, we're looking at all kinds of situations where kids have been left to deal with their exclusionary status on their own. Not that anyone was being particularly mean to these kids or anything, but you'll find there's a lot here to remind us of what it was like to be a kid. Ah, that's the life...

1. This kid who is going to get walked all over

2. This girl who felt left out of driving like the grownups

3. These sneaky little Amish kids who just wanna check the score

4. Of course, the middle child always feels a little left out...

5. This lil' guy might feel a bit left out of the garage sale...

6. This boy left out of the "all girls' club"

7. Maybe you could join the girls if you dressed for the part?

8. This girl is left out of the "reading club," but I have a feeling things will start looking up for her!

9. This guy who could definitely sub in as a bridesmaid

10. This trapped little girl who's gonna have to find a way to join the party again...

11. This kid who, when everyone else was a superhero, had to be the butler... 

12. This girl who's sticking it out while Daddy takes a nap

13. This boy who faces the consequences of not having a Big Wheel...

14. And this little girl who isn't afraid to show her true emotions on the matter...


Author: verified_user