One woman who has been making waves in the online world when it comes to her breastfeeding practices is a 36-year-old mother from England. Check out her story below and let us know your thoughts in the COMMENTS. Afterwards, feel free to SHAREit with others and see what they think.
Mom Breastfeeds In Order To Increase Daughter's IQ
While most mothers stop breastfeeding before their child's first birthday, Miira Dawson of Poole, Dorset hopes to breastfeed her daughter, Tara until she is 10 years old — if it is possible.
There are a number of reasons why Miira has chosen to breastfeed her child much longer than most women, but the main one is intelligence.
There are a number of reasons why Miira has chosen to breastfeed her child much longer than most women, but the main one is intelligence.
It's Also Something Most People Aren't Able To Remember
"I think it is a lovely thing for a baby to grow up and remember being breastfed, as not many people would be able to say this — plus, there are all the health and IQ benefits."
Tara Isn't The Only Child Miira Breastfeeds
Dawson also has a two-year-old son and nurses both him and Tara three times a day. "I don't think other mums are bothered really. It's none of their business but they may raise their eyebrows."
They Also Practice Co-Sleeping
On top of breastfeeding, Miira also practices co-sleeping with her children. She sleeps in the middle of the bed with one child on each side. Her husband Jim sleeps in a separate bed for health reasons.
She Doesn't Want Her Children To Wake Up Alone Or Afraid
Miira thinks it is unnatural for children to sleep alone and has the same enthusiasm for co-sleeping as she does for breastfeeding. "My children have never had to cry to sleep, or sleep on their own, or wake up in the night and be afraid — because I'm there."
What Does Her Husband Think?
Jim says he will continue to allow the breastfeeding to continue for now, but he admits that when it comes to the co-sleeping, he feels left out because he can't read bedtime stories to his children or spend as much time with them as he would like.
Weighing The Pros And Cons
However, Miira doesn't feel that the downsides of her parenting choices outweigh the benefits, and any time she brings up the idea of stopping the breastfeeding, her daughter gets very upset.
What Do The Experts Think?
The World Health Organization suggests that mothers strictly breastfeed for at least the first six months of their child's life and can continue for two or more years as long as it is supplemented with proper nutritional foods.
According to Dr. Maria Iacovou, a sociologist at the University of Cambridge, "It's very rare to find someone who is still naturally feeding a child of six years. But there is absolutely no evidence that there is anything wrong, so why would mothers stop if it works for them[?]"
According to Dr. Maria Iacovou, a sociologist at the University of Cambridge, "It's very rare to find someone who is still naturally feeding a child of six years. But there is absolutely no evidence that there is anything wrong, so why would mothers stop if it works for them[?]"
h/t Daily Mail