Monday, October 23, 2017

8 Viral Celebrities And What They Are Up To Now


The thing is that when someone goes viral they break the internet into a million pieces.

Take Tay Zonday up there. While the internet was in its infancy, it fawned over his song, "Chocolate Rain" in 2007. As of July 2016 "Chocolate Rain" has over 109 million views... Today he just puts out his own commentary and original songs still but it's not the same as it was years ago. Back then, like most viral celebs, everyone is talking about them, their celebrity spawned off more memes and the internet was NEVER the same. 

And then as quickly as they appeared, they disappear to never be seen again. Like Tay Zonday.

Ever wonder what happens to them? Well, stop doing that, stupid. Here they are!


Ted "The Man with the Golden Voice" Williams blew up the internet when the Columbus Dispatch newspaper published a video of the formerly homeless announcer using his distinct radio voice on a street corner. He became an internet sensation in basically a couple days. Then he started getting job offers from Cleveland Cavaliers and Kraft.


Williams announced in 2015 that he was running for President of the United States as an Independent candidate. We apparently didn't get the memo so none of us heard about it. He's recently voiced Pepsi TV commercials and hosted WVKO as the morning show host.

2. THEN and NOW

February 2011 changed our lives forever with Rebecca Black churning out the song "Friday" which actually spurred thousands of memes mocking the song's premise.  She still pumps out videos on YouTube. Sometimes they're sketches but sometimes they're just her own songs.


Antoine Dodson gave one of the most memorable interviews about a home invasion that went wrong at his sister's house. The Gregory Brothers remixed his interview and the song grabbed a spot on Billboard Hot 100. Wonder how he looks now?


Antoine Dodson has since become a devout Hebrew Israelite and has been raising a son. He's also claimed that he is an ex-gay man now and is looking for a good woman to share his life with. 


Keenan Cahill has carved himself a piece of the internet pie by lip syncing his way to stardom. He's found himself singing next to the likes of 50 Cent and Katy Perry.


Today, he's still producing music and has released three singles through iTunes including his latest – "Back to Us," featuring Lovey James – in 2014.


In 2007, you had the famous Caite Upton, better known as Miss South Carolina Teen USA. She gave an infamous, confused and long-winded answer to a question about American education...


Today, Caite Upton has left the pageant circuit behind and has appeared on the Amazing Race. She's also seems to have become a real estate agent for Keller Williams in Brentwood, California.

6. THEN 

Patricia Krentcil was the Tan Mom we didn't know could exist and back then she basically said her daughter should do the same thing.


Since then, she's made a cameo in a pornographic movie, dropped two music albums, went to her own roast drunk, went to rehab – and seems to have started turning her life around.


Back in 2009, David DeVore Jr. was only seven years old and was coming come from the dentist. He had no idea that when he came back dizzy from the gas that people would love him so much. Well, he's grown up quite a bit..


The star is now 15 and his dad says that, "Yeah, we've made a little bit of money thanks to YouTube and their partner program... but it's all gone to, you know, help the family, and particularly help William [David's brother] and David stay in private school." David says he still gets recognized.


And finally we have Jeremy Meeks. He took the hottest mugshot known to man and the photo went viral after theStockton Police Department posted it on their Facebook page. And TODAY...


Jeremy Meeks has since found God, is a great dad to his son and has a lucrative modelling career. His manager, Jim Jordan of White Cross Management in LA, says they are "inundated" with job offers for his client.

COMMENTand tell us what you think of of these viral celebs today!


Author: verified_user