1. Oh no! Now you can't read that hilarious listicle while you poop!
2. UStuck is more like it
3. Nope
Beauty tip 10: Sharpie is not an appropriate substitute for eyebrow pencils
4. Except you do, though...
Even signs can get it wrong once in a while...
Apparently, some people will call the police on anyone, even if they're completely innocent...
8. False alarm, guys...
9. Well, that's disappointing
10. It ain't stupid if it works... unless it blows your house up...
The next pic will have you shaking your head at kids these days...
The next one is so wrong, it might just be right...
14. Creative labeling
15. You know there's a button for that, right?
16. You had one job...
The next one's a straight-up health hazard
Many people would argue that there's no such thing as bad bacon... based on the next pic, I'd have to disagree!
20. We know the people stocking shelves are at least half-literate
21. I think you've been misinformed
22. So that's why I'm always late...
23. But... you posted this on... nevermind.