Thursday, September 21, 2017

15 'Jurassic Park' Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

Jurassic Parkis one of the best classic movies ever. I mean, it's got dinosaurs. It's got Sam Neill. It's, uh, got Jeff freakin', uh, Goldblum. What's not to love? 

Because this movie was a huge undertaking, there are a bunch of behind-the-scenes tidbits that you can really sink your teeth into. Like a dinosaur. Get it? Never mind.

Personally, I was a huge fan of Alan Grant. Like, probably to an unhealthy extent. But, don't worry, for the sake of this article I've kept my fan-girling to a minimum and only included a dozen pictures of him.

I'm kidding. There's, like, three or four.


Here are fifteen things you probably didn't know about Jurassic Park!

1. The T-Rex roar was made using a combination of penguin, tiger, alligator, elephant, and dog sounds.

Wait, a penguin?

2. Real Dilophosaurs don't have a frill or spit venom. These traits were made up by Micheal Crichton and Steven Spielberg.

It did have twin head crests, though! It's not spitting venom, but it's still pretty neat.

3. There's only 15 minutes of actual dinosaur footage in the final cut of the film.

But, those 15 minutes are epic AF, amirite?

4. The T-Rex breaking the glass of the Ford Explorer was not planned – it was an accident. Some of the screams are actually real.

Yeah... I'd scream too.

5. According to Sam Neill, the flare he lights in the movie "dropped some burning ­phosphorous on me and got under my watch and took a chunk of my arm out."

At least it wasn't a dinosaur bite!

6. The Triceratops dung that the actors sifted through wasn't smelly at all. It was made with clay and mud, drizzled with honey and papayas so flies would swarm near it.

7. The animatronic T-Rex would often malfunction and randomly turn on if it had been raining, scaring everyone within it's range.

Okay, this is actually pretty funny to picture.

8. To make the rippling effect of the water in the glass, a guitar string was attached beneath the dash of the car.

I wonder if the note played was a "D." Get it? D for dinosaur!

9. Ian Malcolm shamelessly flirts with Elliott Sattler, and in real life, things got so hot on set between them that Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern dated and even became engaged in real life!

Now that's chaos theory.

10. The velociraptors don't actually make an on-screen appearance in the film until minute 103 of the movie!

We get a brief glimpse of them at the beginning, but otherwise we don't see them for over an hour and a half!

11. When Hurricane Iniki hit the film set, the cast and crew were required to move to the ballroom of the hotel – but Richard Attenborough stayed in his room and slept through the whole thing.

When asked how the hell he did that, he replied, "My dear boy, I survived the blitz!" Touche, Attenborough. Touche.

12. When Lex is eating Jell-O, a crew member had to shake her arm to get the Jell-O to shake just right.

13. Jim Carrey was considered for the role of Ian Malcolm

I think Jeff Goldblum, uh, was absolutely, er, perfect for, uh, the role.

14. The clicking sound of the Velociraptors communicating is actually the sound of tortoises having sex.

That's... cute?

15. Dennis Quaid, Kevin Costner, Mel Gibson and Robin Williams were considered for the role of Alan Grant.

But it went to the amazing Sam Neill. I can't picture anyone else in that role!

What's your favorite dinosaur? COMMENT and let me know!


Author: verified_user