Thursday, July 6, 2017

Dad Discovers 6-Year-Old, Emotionally Disabled Daughter Is Being Abused On The Bus

When something doesn't seem right, it's usually not. We need to listen to these instincts. We need to dig into them and feel them for what they are because they're trying to tell us something. 

This is a story about a dad and a feeling...

...and a little girl who has an emotional disability. 

It starts on the school bus. After reading, we want to hear your thoughts! Do you agree with the bus driver? The dad? Let us know with a COMMENT! 

The father of a six-year-old girl at Palencia Elementary School with an emotional disability is infuriated. 


His daughter came home from school, and it was obvious she'd had a bad day. 

When her father pried a little, he was shocked at what he found out. He asked for the surveillance videos from the school. 

“It’s horrifying because my daughter never told us any of this.”  

It's every parent's nightmare — the not knowing. What he found out angered him deep down.

“We knew there had to be something on there and we had no idea that it was this bad. They’re restraining these kids for little or no reason and they’re the most vulnerable kids.”

The pictures on the next page shows exactly what infuriated Chris Kain so much. The worst part? This is one of many videos.

In this video, Kain's daughter's arms are restrained above her head. 

Her bus driver stands in front, blocking our view, but it's clear he's "disciplining" her. 

“They need to understand that she’s emotionally disabled and they need to talk to her, and talk her through,” Kain explained to News4Jax.

In another video, the bus driver says sternly, "You pinching me? You want me to pinch you back? I will.”

So...that's not okay. And since these videos have been released, the school board agrees. All employees have been given letters of reprimand. 

Some were taken off route, some given a few days' suspension. But that's not enough, now is it? The main bus driver remains on route. The employees will be attending courses with the employer assistance program. 

What do you think? COMMENT to share your opinion.

h/t News4JAX

Main and collage image via News4Jax


Author: verified_user