Sunday, March 19, 2017

40 Curious Pics For Curious Minds

This world can be a pretty bizarre place sometimes. Luckily we have our phones to snap a photo of something unbelievable when it happens. I went through the depths of the interwebs to find you some of the most popular and confusing pictures that exist. You can thank me later for these.

Here are 35 curious pictures that will likely leave you scratching your head. 
Leave a COMMENT letting us know which of these you found the most confusing. 

1. This spilled milk collected perfectly on one wood plank. 

I say leave it!

2. This person got a rose from the chef – made from pepperoni and a jalapeno. 

That's my kind of Valentine's Day present. 

3. This small patch of flowers is growing underwater like it's no big deal. 

Does this work for all flowers?! Left with more questions than answers on this one. 

4. Think that's a loofah? Think again. 

"This ball of soap I've created over the past three years by adding soap bars when they become too small to use," wrote questionthatdrivesus. It still looks fresh enough to use, right?

5. This bird looks a lot like Donald Trump somehow. 

There's a tweet joke in here somewhere but I just can't put my finger on it...

6. This section of bricks was shaped by the surf. 

7. This starfish sitting down on a ledge like it has some life problems on its mind. 

8. Smoke detectors should never catch fire, just saying.

9. This very wrinkly egg that someone bought. 

10. This interesting gate made entirely of pliers. 

11. This incredibly small bowl of Lucky Charms. 

Just because?

12. This woman found a size 20 shoe at Goodwill.

13. This person's hot chocolate is so fancy that it came with a tiny whisk. 

14. The longest crosswalk button known to humankind. 

15. This coffee mug has a hairline crack and leaks out coffee very slowly. 

It leaks out so slowly that it dries before hitting the table.

16. This unbelievably large lemon someone grew in their backyard. 

17. The coin press missed the mark on this nickel. 

Looks like Jefferson is trying to peace out tbh. 

18. You'd probably assume that a teen boy did this kinda thing to a tree, but you'd be wrong. 

This was actually made by a woodpecker. 

19. At first glance, this picture is likely horrifying. 

That's until you realize it's the backroom of the Natural History Museum. 

20. These matches were interlocked to make a cube. 

Can we light it now?

21. The way this branch dangles against the fence is wearing it down. 

22. At first, you may wonder why you're looking at a picture of the inside of a tent, but then you'll notice the two tiny duck feet on the ceiling. 

23. This flower that isn't giving itself a chance to bloom. 

That leaf is literally strangling it. 

24. How is this even possible?!?

"Found this rock within a rock on a beach walk," wrote Loubellbluebell. 

25. What kind of creature is this?! 

Believe it or not, this is a frog perched on the side of a glass aquarium. 

26. I want one of these for my front yard. Dang!

This is a palm tree that fell over, but then started growing back upwards. 

27. "My coffee surprised me with a painting this morning," wrote alphapiglet_. 

The best part is that the painting revealed itself after the coffee was finished. 

28. Honestly, why does the guy in this pizza ad look like a villain?

Who approved this?!

29. This picture is probably totally meaningless to you until you find out that this is leftover rubber scraped from a drag racing track. 

Why is this so satisfying? 

30. If you look closely enough, you'll notice that the giraffe's shadow looks just like a young unicorn. 

31. You might be wondering why these little ducks are in a workshop. Totally not where they're supposed to go, right?

"These curious ducks... visit our shop when the door is open," wrote asdfgdhtns.

32. At first, it looks like this person is holding up a partially eaten Oreo cookie, but it's actually a rock found at Patrick's Point in Northern California.

33. There is so much happening in this picture that it definitely needs explaining. 

Yes, that is a rainbow, during a thunderstorm, during sunset. 

34. OK, it looks like someone tipped over the machine making all the chip bags fall forward. 

Actually, a computer glitch caused all of the bags to be dispensed at once! Score!

35. OK, is this for real?

"My friend's sister took this picture of the sky in Leeds and it looks like a hand or someone swimming," wrote corypoppins.

36. This toad allowed someone to stack a bunch of tiny rocks on him. 

That's the kind of chill I want to be. 

37. This buried bottle found a little sunlight and has a plant growing inside. 

Unexpected greenhouses are the coolest. 

38. When this person is cold, their ring finger turns ghostly white. 

39. Yes, this plant grew right through this tiny hole you see in the concrete. 

Life will, uh, find a way. Amirite?

40. This picture of the beach that someone accidentally took from inside their sports bra. 

Now that's pretty nifty. 

Leave a COMMENT on Facebook letting us know which of these are your favorite. 

Author: verified_user