There are of a lot of expectations that precede the experience of couples bathing together.
And then there's the reality of the situation.
Here are all the things people expect from bathing together followed by the brutal truth.
Lots of relaxing bubbles.
But actually they're not that relaxing... or appealing...
2. Quality time to reconnect.
But actually everyone still has a million and one things to get done and feels rushed.
3. To Save Water.
But actually it's not quicker to shower with two people and both of you still want the same amount of hot water anyway.
4. Romance.
But actually you get swamp water.
5. Sensual time together.
6. Hot and steamy.
But actually it's freezing (eventually all hot water heaters run dry)! And your face needs to be shaved nonetheless...
7. Goofy time together.
But actually you end up talking about work, bills, and other not-fun things.
8. Massages.
But actually you get cramps from trying to fit two bodies into one space.
9. Sexy.
But actually everyone's trying to hide the fact that they really need to shave.
10. A bonding experience.
But actually everyone's just trying to clean up before the smell spreads and finally shave those areas in secret before you notice.
11. Sharing.
But actually sharing. Like which one is the conditioner, right? Your guy goes into the shower to clean up and comes out with a lesson in hair care. #WasItWorthIt?
12. No one will pee.
But actually, it could happen.
13. THIS.
But actually someone gets soap in their eye, slips, or lets one rip—and the magic is lost.
14. You'll wash each other's hair.
But actually, good luck—it's way harder to coordinate hair-washing in the shower or even tub with two people.
15. Okay, let's be honest:
Showering together is actually awesome—as long as you have the right partner. Enjoy!
Main and collage image via OLJ Studio / Shutterstock