Saturday, January 28, 2017

Vatican Opens 'Pope Francis Laundry' To Provide Free Service To Rome's Homeless

Whether you're Catholic or not, you have to commend Pope Francis for many of the good works he has done and inspired his followers to do. He genuinely cares about his fellow man and tries to set a good example with his own actions. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty, and he has maintained a particular focus on helping out folks living on the margins. His latest initiative might seem small, but it will make a big difference to those who need it.

The poor of Rome have a friend in Pope Francis, who has made it his mission to aid the most marginalized members of society. 

He has always taken steps to help care for the poor and the homeless with small — but important — gestures. Over the winter, for example, he ordered that official vehicles be left unlocked so the homeless could sit in them and warm up.

In 2015, he opened a facility with showers and a barber's chair right off St. Peter's Square where the homeless could wash and get a free haircut in addition to toiletry supplies.

"Our pilgrims without a home will receive, along with a shower, a complete change of underwear and a kit with a towel, soap, toothpaste, razor, shaving cream and deodorant, according to different individual needs," the Vatican said.

Now, Pope Francis has taken a new step, adding free laundry facilities for the homeless.

With the help of a donation from Whirlpool and detergent makers, the laundromat will "restore dignity to many people who are our brothers and sisters," the Vatican said. The goal is to serve "the poorest people, particularly the homeless, who will be able to wash, dry and iron their clothes and blankets."

In the future, the Vatican plans to add showers, a barbershop, and medical care to the laundromat as well. 


Author: verified_user