Sunday, January 1, 2017

40 Pics Funnier Than The Last Ones

Some things will never not be funny. People falling, dad jokes, weird looking animals — these all belong in the category of immortally amusing, but they best make some room, because the next 40 pics might be fresh, but they're also forever funny!

1. Word. What is wrong with parents?!

2. Touché troll, touché

3. You've got something on your nose 

4. Accurate...too accurate  

Maybe it's one of those make your own adventure books...

5. Come on UPS, you had one job!  

6. May the force be with you

7. And that, my friends, is life goals 

8. Before we move on, you never know what could happen, so take this...


9. Alright, who toppled the pyramid?!

10. I need this dog

11. There's always a silver lining 

12. Guys, always listen to your girls...


14. If you don't get this excited over nuggets, there's something wrong with you 

15. If I die, it will be your bad 

16. "My daughter got it for me, isn't it cute?"

17. My question is, what is coming out of his mouth?

18. I wouldn't even be mad

19. Really, there's only one logical thing to do with your cats. Steal their faces!

20. Not a bad idea...

21. If only it were this easy to make everyone happy in politics 

22. Where can I get one of those?

23. Classic rookie mistake

24. Gotta appreciate a guy who can laugh at himthelf

25. Do not try this at home

26. Not quiiiite what they meant...

27. What in the huh??

28. I disagree

29. He has a master's degree in flavor!

30. Grandma knows how to sell it

31. The real heel-toe express

32. Mom's trippin'

It's nice to see the spark hasn't died in that romance...

33. Dat booty, tho...

34. It was my post first! 

35. What are you doing Friday night?

36. Kids these days...

37. Some thieves bend over backwards to get what they want

38. You won't catch me outside, how bow dah

39. Oh great...I can hardly wait

40. If you're proud of it, then it's an accomplishment 


Author: verified_user