Saturday, December 17, 2016

Guillermina Garcia Gives Birth To Incredibly Rare Set Of Quintuplets

Having a child is an incredibly momentous event filled with both highs and lows. You get to meet someone that you'll know for the rest of your life after nine incredibly grueling months of pregnancy. As a father of two, I have first-hand experience with the chaos of initially finding out that my wife was pregnant. For my wife and I, we only had one baby at a time. I've always wondered how parents of twins or even triplets deal with the news that they are going to be expecting multiple children!

That's the news that 32-year-old Guillermina and Fernando Garcia received recently. Not only were they having multiple children, but they were going to have five! The chances of having quintuplets naturally are 1 in 55 million! While this was great news for the couple, it was also somewhat bittersweet; carrying that many children at once can increase the chances of complications for both the mother and the children. 

You have to hear about Guillermina and Fernando's story. We even have exclusive pictures of her birth! No gross pictures, we promise.

SHARE this article with your friends on Facebook who have children. They'll have some idea what Guillermina went through.

When doctors did Guillermina's first ultrasound, they knew something incredible was happening.

Doctors noticed that there were several pumping hearts in the ultrasound, a tell-tale sign that you have a litter in there!

At 31 1/2 weeks, Guillermina was ready to give birth!

You may notice the bruising on her belly. This is actually a result of carrying five children.

While 31 1/2 weeks is roughly five to six weeks earlier than normal pregnancies, multiple birth pregnancies are characteristically shorter.

In a press conference, Dr. Elizabeth O'Brien from Salt Lake City's University of Utah Hospital said that Guillermina's pregnancy was extended as long as possible to boost the health of the babies. Letting the babies' lungs develop as much as possible was crucial to prevent having them on ventilation for long periods of time in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU).

The babies had to be delivered via cesarean section with the help of eight doctors and countless nurses.

Here are the doctors performing the c-section. The babies are about to appear!

There's the first one!

The second!

The babies just kept coming.

Here is a very relieved Fernando after all five babies were delivered successfully.

Luckily, Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa, Fernando, and Jordan were all delivered safely! Guillermina was also safe and sound. They had a nice distribution of girls (three) and boys (two). After the delivery, they all were able to meet their older sister, Julietta! Congrats to the Garcias!

[h/t: LittleThings]

SHARE this article with your Facebook friends. It's so nice to see such a happy ending!


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