1. Starting off strong! Looks like this guy's been munchin' that spinach
2. Oh my, what a beautiful kid this kid has...
3. Swap like an Egyptian
Just another reason to get to a museum ASAP, amirite?
4. A bouncing baby boy/old man...
I like that they both have the same sort of attitude toward this picture in their facial expressions!
5. Now she can truly be a Barbie girl and create her own Barbie world
6. And, speaking of face swaps with a doll, here's one that became the stuff of nightmares!
7. I manne-can not evenwith this one!
8. I guess sometimes you can actually learn something about yourself and your family from face swaps! Who knew?
9. Okay, I found Nemo, can we put him back now?
10. Maybe face swaps with pets aren't always the best idea...
11. I find that kids tend to work out so well with these!
12. And technology can be the devil!
13. You know what? I take back what I said earlier about pets not being right for this...
14. Here is Jack and here is his lantern...
15. Marylin Monr-Oh no!
16. And sometimes a face swap can work so majestically. This one looks like they got a real pro to help out!