Friday, December 2, 2016

15 Fun Facts About Kristen Bell

Frozen is one of Disney's most popular and successful movies ever. It had great characters, catchy songs and a touching story about the love between sisters. But most importantly, Frozen introduced the whole world to Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell! I mean, I've loved Kristen since her Veronica Mars days, but now everyone can see what a star she is! She's an amazing actor, a fantastic singer and she's also hilarious! Have you seen any of her interviews on talk shows?! You recognize her voice on the Frozensoundtrack but I bet there are a couple of things you might not know about Kristen (besides her love of sloths). So here's everything you need to know about the adorable Kristen Bell!

1. When she was growing up, she teamed up with her best friend to sing at weddings and funerals. Apparently, the two of them sang "Amazing Grace" and a ton of songs by Harry Connick Jr.

2. Kristen used to consider herself a hardcore gamer! When she was in college, she was obsessed with playing N64 games. Her favorites? GoldenEye and Mario Kart 64.

3. She might not be playing games anymore but she's still technically in video games. She voices Lucy Stillman in the Assassin's Creed video games!

4. You might not know this but Kristen was on Gossip Girl! Well, her voice was on the show. She was the voice of the mysterious Gossip Girl! 

And Leighton Meester who played Blair Waldorf worked with Kristen on Veronica Mars!

5. When she was four years old, Kristen insisted that her whole family called her Smurfette. And then she got over that and made her parents call her Matthew!

In the end, she settled on Annie after her middle name. 

6. Kristen admitted that Frozen isn't a movie that she plays very often in her household because her daughters aren't a fan of it!

7. Her first audition was back in 1992 and it was successful! She won the part of a banana AND a tree in a local theater production.

8. Kristen admitted that almost all the characters she plays are tomboys just because she's not "homely enough to play the nerdy girl and not nearly pretty to play the pretty girl."

What?! Kristen is gorgeous!

9. Kristen asked her husband, Dax Shepard, to marry her over Twitter! 

10. When she was volunteering in Brazil, she helped deliver two babies!

Whoa. Kristen really can do it all!

11. According to her, the only time she's ever been starstruck was when she got to meet Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones!

That'd be my reaction too! 

12. Kristen has dessert after every meal she has. Yup, even breakfast!

I like the way she thinks!

13. She was six months pregnant when she was filming House of Lies. The show had to hire a body double just for when she was in scenes where they had to show her belly!

Do you think she got to choose her own body double?!

14. Kristen likes to live on the dangerous side. She has a motorcycle license!

15. Kristen knew from the second she read the pilot script for Veronica Mars that she wanted to play the character. Kristen was perfect for it! She brought the attitude, edge and sass to Veronica!

SHARE if you can't wait to see Kristen as Anna again in Frozen 2!


Author: verified_user