The internet has moved on from making googly eyes at Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Reynolds. Sure, they've got the Hollywood actor looks. Leo is an activist who loves yachts, and Ryan has his title as the funniest person on Twitter. But everything they do just can't compare to the internet's new boyfriend, Salt Bae. After being discovered for his sassy and theatrical moves for seasoning meat, he's become a full-blown internet sensation. Here's what you need to know about Salt Bae!
It's hard to be on the internet without encountering the mysterious Salt Bae.
Who is he? How did he become the internet's bae? What's with his sassy arm move?
His real name is Nusret Gökçe.
He is a Turkish chef and restaurant owner.
Oh, but there's so much more to him. Keep reading to find out more about Salt Bae!
Nurset is 34 years old and owns several steakhouses called Nusr-et. The chain has even expanded into Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
He has no plans of stopping. He wants to keep expanding! He planson opening locations in London, Berlin and New York.
He insists that his sexy signature move that got the attention of the internet is just natural. It didn't come from showing off.
"Actually that move at the end [salting] came automatically. I did not do that to show off. It is just my signature. You can think of it a kind of final touch for a painting. It was a final touch to the meat; I was blessing the meat."
He's also well aware of how famous he is now.
"I'm the happiest man in the world. So far, we've been the conversation."
Before he went viral, he workedlong hours as a dishwasher. He never gave up his dream of owning and running his own restaurant.
He was right never to give up because now he employs 600 people over his nine businesses.
Nurset had the chance to salt Leonardo DiCaprio's meat recently. Nurset performed a special show for Leonardo and even let him have a personalized menu!
Nurset's manager also confirmed that Leo was definitely impressed with the salting skills.
Nurset opened up about the meaning behind his restaurant name. It's not just a copy of his first name. There's a hyphen in the name to specifically highlight "et," which means "meat" in Turkish.
"Nusret" actually means "victory."
Sorry, ladies. There is no information on his relationship status, but he did reveal that he was focused on his family.
Meme celebrities tend to fade away because there's always another meme to be obsessed with. But let's hope Salt Bae stays in our lives and hearts forever!
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