Wednesday, October 12, 2016

15 Giant Cats People Actually Have As Pets

The internet has always loved cats, but lately it has taken a particular liking to giant cats. You may remember  Samson, the 28-pound cat I wrote about just a few days ago. Well, there's another mighty one in town and while coming in at only 21 pounds, he's getting a lot of fame for being adopted in just a few short hours after his image went viral on Facebook.

People love big cats, what else can I say? Do I want one? Yes, yes I do.

I hope you enjoy this list of giant cats as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This is a Siberian cat in all his glory. 

This is Andre the Giant! He was a stray and now's he's king of his castle. This is his first vet visit pic.

This cat is so big his feet don't even fully fit in the frame.

This is Bentley the Maine coon.

This Maine coon is only two years old and already almost as big as his human.

This black giant could be mistaken for a panther in the middle of the night.

This is Lester. His human has a hard time keeping him out of trouble!

This gentle giant looks like the perfect snuggle buddy!

He's 21 pounds and was adopted within hours!

This silvery beast could pass for a dragon when you're half asleep! 

This cat has a lot of belly to rub.

This is what you call a giant fluffer.

This one basically takes up the entire couch.

This cat is bigger than the rules that say "No eating the plants."

Do you have a cat that's bigger than these giants? Upload your pic in the Facebook comments!


Author: verified_user