Saturday, August 27, 2016

Parents, Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It

There has never been any society ever, since the year dot, where people have lived in complete isolation.  As humans, we need to rely on each other.

So why, once we become parents, are we so disinclined to ask for help?

It should always be OK to reach out for help, but these are the times it’s especially OK.

When your dinner consists of leftovers from the high chair

Every mother has done it — when you're tired, it's sometimes easier to eat the half-chewed fish fingers and remaining pureed pumpkin off your child's plate than it is to fix yourself a meal — and that's OK. But when it becomes a daily routine you know you need to shout out for someone to bring over some frozen meals. 

You’re afraid

Your child has the sniffles and you stay up all night monitoring her breathing; maybe he’s a late talker and you're worried about his development; perhaps you doubt your ability to do this job. Talking with other moms can help put your fears in perspective.

There are no clean clothes in the house

It’s amazing how quickly laundry accumulates when you have kids — and how the time you have to do the laundry disappears. If you've started wearing your prom dress from the '90s, you know it's time to get someone in to help.

You’ve forgotten how to do long division

I never knew how little I knew until my kids started school. “What do snails eat, Mummy?”; “How do planes stay up in the air?”; and don’t even get me started on maths. One word is going to save you: Google. You’re welcome.

You’ve burst into tears for the third time today

Motherhood can be a thankless task, and moms often find themselves hiding in the pantry sobbing. When this happens, it’s time to get out of the house — even the shortest walk in the park will lift your spirits.

You need stuff

For every mom who wants stuff, there’s a mom with older kids wanting to get rid of theirs. Put the word out to friends and family and you’ll be amazed at how quickly bags of baby clothes and stuffed toys turn up on your doorstep.

If you are unwell

Moms, you will get sick — kids are germy little things! Palm the kids off to someone for the day and sit in bed and sleep, read, watch TV, and eat chicken broth (because now you're a mother you know that for some unexplained reason, chicken soup cures all illness).

You need errands run

When you’ve got small kids, a simple trip to the store for milk instantly becomes a mission requiring a war room, strategy and army of helpers — and sometimes it’s too hard. Much easier to text a friend who is already out, doesn't have kids, or who can easily pick up milk on the way home. 


Author: verified_user