Friday, July 1, 2016

16 Students Who Taught Us How To Laugh Again

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, of course, I'm talking about being in school. Maybe if I'd paid more attention while there, I could tell you where that famous sentence came from, but regardless, it holds true when I think back on those formative years. Exams and essays would stress us out, but friends and fun were always around the corner hand in hand. At the end of it all, it's the latter that we remember over the former, because school, especially college, was a blast throughout. But when students brought the fun to the classroom, it created the perfect pick-me-up we all needed. This article celebrates those students and those moments that encompass the always hilarious antics of kids like that and it was a blast to put together, so I hope you get a kick out of it too!

P.S. Professor Conley, if you're reading this, it was just a joke! I know that line is from Tale Of Two Cities, sorry to worry you like that...

Now, let's begin! 

1. Can't make it to class? Phone it in!

Say what you want about modern technology, that's dedication right there.

2. A teacher should be proud when the student becomes the master

3. And when the prof's away, the kids will play...

4. When it comes time to present to the class, some students know the importance of theatrics!

Now the master has become the minion? Either way, he's got myattention!

5. Kids should really learn how to do laundry before getting to college...

6. At least some know not to skip the most important meal of the day!

7. Or at least bring a healthy snack, right?

One solid block of cheese? Yeah, sure. That's what I meant...

8. With the new facial recognition technology, student cards are more accurate than ever...

Speaking of student IDs...

9. I'm still not sure whether this card was done intentionally or if the photographer said something awful right before taking the picture

Either way, it's definitely another A+ student ID!

10. Welcome to the internet age, everyone...

11. Sometimes I miss college, but then I remember having to do things like this:

12. Same with high school and when I remember how awkward it was...

13. You gotta appreciate when students think outside of the box, right?

14. Still, there's always at least one that's going to fall asleep...

She'll still end up learning a lesson, though!

15. One of the first lessons I ever learned was that if you have a little lamb, do not bring it to school!

16. But at the end of it all, at least you know you'll be heavily rewarded...


Author: verified_user