So many things in this world are absolutely astonishing and bordering on miracle status. If you think about it, pregnancy and birth are amazing things. The fact that a human being grows from such a tiny little thing is unbelievable. Over a roughly nine-month span, we grow larger and larger until we're ready to emerge and come into the world. What also adds to how incredible birth is would be the fact that so many things could go wrong, though they often don't. One extremely interesting thing about "birth defects," however, is that they're only good or bad based on someone's perspective. Twins, triplets, and so on are just another addition to the amazingness of birth. Interestingly, there are twin cats who have been taking the internet by storm because of their beautiful eyes.
Meet Iris and Abyss.
They just look like a couple of cute cats, right?
Well, there's actually something that makes them extremely unique AND beautiful.
And that's their beautiful eyes. Interestingly, there's a really cool explanation behind it!
Iris and Abyss were born with something called "heterochromia." In short, it's a genetic mutation that results in two different-colored eyes.
Believe it or not, this isn't specific to cats as it can also happen to human beings.
While it comes down to opinion, most are in the camp that thinks this looks AMAZING.
It's no wonder that these two adorable cats have been taking the internet by storm!