Monday, June 13, 2016

Travel Like A Birdwatcher To Find These Incredible Creatures

Some of my most memorable travels have been to nature spots. I thoroughly enjoy looking at animals in their natural habitat. From gorillas in Uganda to cheetahs in Kenya, they're all so unreal to look at. But looking back, I never really got the opportunity to see many birds. Yes, I saw vultures and eagles, but nothing so out of the ordinary that I really had to stop and stare. These birds below are so colorful and different, I might have to tweak my future trips just so I can check them out. 

Enjoy and share with a fellow traveler. Who knows, you might make the trek to see these birds in the near future. 

Golden Pheasant

Found in the mountainous areas of western China, these birds are actually hard to spot in their natural habitat. You'll need some patience to see them!

Bearded Vulture

This vulture is unique, as its diet is almost entirely made up of bones (70-90%). It is actually widespread and can be found in the mountainous regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 

Lady Amherst's Pheasant

Another bird found in western China, it can also be spotted in Myanmar. They're hard to spot in the wild, but at least you'll see a few unique birds when you set off to Asia!

Wilson's Bird-Of-Paradise

Yes, that's actually what this bird is called. It's one of the rarest birds around, and it's located on only two tiny islands on the Indonesian province of New Guinea. 

Grey Peacock Pheasant

Mesmerizing isn't it? The Grey Peacock Pheasant is the national bird of Mynammar, and it's found in some forests of Northeast India and Southeast Asia. 

Mandarin Duck

Not the ducks I am used to in North America, these beauties are largely found in East Asia. These ducks do migrate like most birds and can now be found in Britain and North Carolina.  


One of the largest birds in the world, the Cassowary can be found in New Guinea and northeastern Australia. These large birds can attack when provoked, so be careful if you ever see them. 

Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaw is one of the largest flying parrots in the world. It can be found in northern Brazil and is known to be very playful. 

Blue Bird-Of-Paradise

Often regarded as the "loveliest of all birds", this rare bird can be only be found in Papua New Guinea. 

Gouldian Finch

These colorful birds from Australia look like they've been perfectly colored in with a crayon. 

Keel-Billed Toucan

The national bird of Belize and found in this Central American country, this bird has one of the most colorful beaks you'll ever see.

Green-Headed Hanager

Found in South Eastern Brazil, this little bird blends in well with her environment. Her colors perfectly complement each other. 


Author: verified_user