Monday, June 6, 2016

Steve Irwin's Son Robert Looks Just Like Him

Was anyone else just completely inspired by Steve Irwin and his love of animals? I remember watching The Crocodile Hunterand being amazed at how easy it was for him to interact with the animals. It didn't matter if they were raccoons, snakes or alligators, Steve was willing to get right up close to them. 

Steve would be happy knowing that his daughter Bindi and his son Robert are following in his footsteps and carrying on his legacy. Bindi and Robert have both been very active in creating wildlife documentaries and TV shows to educate people and to express their love for the animal kingdom. 

Bindi has been in the spotlight with her Dancing with the Starswin and her various acting roles, but now it's time for Robert's turn. Robert is basically Steve's mini-me, and it's adorable. Keep reading to see what Robert looks like now!

I've always kind of admired the way Steve looks at any animal. 

Find someone who looks at you like Steve looks at this seal. Now that's a look of love. 

Look at him! He's having the time of his life hanging out with this crocodile. 

I only wish I had the same enthusiasm for crocodiles. 

Steve was a passionate person, and you could see it on camera and in photographs. 

He was as dedicated to his family as he was to educating people about animals. And now his son is carrying on his legacy by showing the world his love of reptiles. 

Robert was born in 2003. 

From the beginning of his life, he was always surrounded by animals. 

According to the Australia Zoo website, Robert is extremely energetic and enthusiastic about wildlife. 

Robert now has his own Australia Zoo TV channel called Robert's Real Life Adventures

He also travels the world to attend various events with his mom and sister. 

Most recently, he was on The Tonight Show and brought a couple of animals to show off to Jimmy Fallon. 

His sister Bindi couldn't be prouder. She posted this touching tribute to the two of them that showed just how similar Robert was to his father. 

SHARE if you think Robert looks just like his dad!


Author: verified_user