Friday, June 10, 2016

Attaching Fireworks To A Balloon Is An Even Worse Idea Than You Think

It's not a real party until there are fireworks, amirite? The bigger the bang, the better. It's the proper way to celebrate a home run, the Fourth of July, New Year's, and an epic birthday party that your friends will have to tell you about the next day. Ideally, you'd be setting off enough fireworks to light up the night like a second sun and make it as hot as a war zone in hell.

You know, the kind of light show where the explosions have explosions that shake the air and you can feel in your bones. 

Sounds too good to be true, I know. 

But a good fireworks display takes some planning. You can't just have the same old Roman candles popping little balls of color into the night. You have to keep it fresh.

So these guys had an idea to pump up their fireworks display – launch them in a hot air balloon so they could stand below and watch the airborne show from the safety of the ground. 

Who would have thought that could possibly go wrong?

COMMENT and tag a friend on Facebook who likes to play with fire.


Author: verified_user