Sunday, April 3, 2016

23 People Who Can Seriously Dish It Out

Sass is a way of life, and these people are absolute masters. If I'm being honest, we can all stand to dish it out a little more. Life's short, why not?! Here are some people who have truly ascended to a new plane of sassy existence, and I'm absolutely here for it. 

1. The person who gives you this gift.

SO YOU KILLED A CACTUS ONE TIME! You'd think people would be able to get over it! 

2. The person who sends you this when you ask for a ride home.

I mean, that's just cold. But also clever, so I can forgive it.

3. The person who wrote this sign.

Now that is GOOD marketing.

4. The person who put backache medicine on the lowest shelf. 

That's messed up. And oddly hilarious. 

5. The person who left this pizza comment on this thread.


6. The person who made this.

That's an actual quote, right? 

7. The person who sent this text to their trainer.

They're just being honest.

8. This person who has no time for the B.S.

May we all live with this candidness. 

9. The person who makes this for their S.O.

It's still breakfast....

10. Even Facebook can dish it out!

This is just messed up.

11.  This old man is DISHING IT.

Hubert! You're too much!

12. The person that made this fortune cookie.

I mean, if that can even be considered a fortune. More like throwing some shade.

13. The person who goes straight for the weakness.

Comin' for your brows!

14. The person who thinks they have the power.

Confidence is totally part of dishing it out, right?

15. Again, another brilliant marketing move.

Who knew restaurants could dish it so well?

16. This professor is a genius. 

It's almost too much to bear. So good.

17. You know well and good that's not what she meant!


18. Absolutely savage.

I guess that guy was rollin' in the dough, eh?

19. This prof takes no crap.

I guess this is a lesson best learned early...

20. Well that's one way to tell 'em.

Heh heh.

21. Alright, relax.

They don't look like that. I'll take the peach ring tho.

22. This kid has no chill.

Couldn't let her down easy, could you?

23. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Even if that means letting him know you're preggo via Instagram.


Author: verified_user