However, next time I move, I am DEFINITELY hiring movers. Like I care if you break anything. It will still be easier to deal with than trying to fit a couch around a corner that clearly was not designed for couches to come around.
These people get my struggle.
1. On closer inspection, it seems like your tires have exploded
2. That just seems like flagrant false advertising
3. Just casually taking your pet rock out for a walk
4. When you need to raise a village but only want to make one trip
5. I give them a perfect 5/7 rating
6. Based on his bike-building ability, I have high hopes for this car
7. You can always make a new son, but a fridge is expensive stuff
8. "I mean, worst case scenario, we bounce." "You're right."
9. Just let me pop this shirt off first. That will give me the strength I need
10. Easily the best reason to keep bros around. They love to lift heavy things and you can pay them in booze
11. "Here, hold my beer." –Famous last words
12. Luckily those rubber flip-flops offer maximum grip
13. When you run out of seats but need more people to help move
14. Note the pylons around the truck. Safety first, people
15. The look of a desperate man who has nothing to lose
Collage image via 1. NZ Herald 2. The Nicest Pictures 3. Izismile