Ain't modern life great? I can devour as many bags of chips as I can get my hands on (well, to a certain point).
For this little pooch, he can eat as much as his handler is willing to offer up. Luckily for him, that's quite a bit.
SHARE this article on Facebook. Cute dogs and delicious food — what's not to love?
Popeye the Dog used to be homeless and starving.
Now the dog's life is basically the canine version of the Kardashians — full of glamor, fame, and a slight resentment when ordinary people see how great its life is.
Popeye's Instagram was started by his owner, Ivy Diep. He has 132k followers.
"I found him as a stray," Ivy said. "He was such a mess — super skinny, heavily matted, dirty."
Popeye, at the time, was unwanted by all.
But the pooch needed a home and Diep decided to take on that responsibility.
"It wasn't long before he made himself at home at my place with my other dogs. And of course, my husband and I fell in love [with him]..."
"It wasn't long before he made himself at home at my place with my other dogs. And of course, my husband and I fell in love [with him]..."
"One of my friends, Jen, suggested that I create an Instagram account for Popeye because he was cute..."
"Jen and I liked to go on what we call 'Instagram dates' and take pics of our food. I'd bring Popeye any time I can [sic], and we realized he was really good around food. He doesn't lunge for food or really even care for it. He just liked to be out. He'll get nibbles of anything that's safe for him. I also carry a bag of treats for him, in case there's nothing he can have."
I don't imagine he eats the donuts...or most the food.
But looking at that face and how happy he is, maybe he does.
His ears are doing the dog version of a wink.
And that's a nice shirt he's wearing. I have a Calvin Klein one that looks eerily similar.
Look at that pizza.
That's proper Italian. Thin crust, topping sprinkled on top at the end. Bellisimo!
Is that an artisanal Simpsons donut?
I think it is. Forget the dog, I need one of the donuts in my life.
That chicken is so big...
If Popeye wasn't in the picture, I would think it WAS Popeye.
Now I feel like sushi.
But that's not Popeye's fault — I think most people always feel like sushi.
Sometimes, Popeye misbehaves.
On those days, he doesn't have the luxury of eating better than most the global population.
Are those Corn Flakes on that ice cream?
That's a novel idea. Who knew I'd get food recipe ideas from a dog's Instagram account?
Welcome to 2016.
Welcome to 2016.
How do you eat that burger?
Knife and fork? Moreover, how many hours are you required to sleep after eating something that big?
That's a lot of fish.
Does it not look like Popeye is in pain or is worried about having to eat all that?
Popeye's Food Adventures.
Tell me that couldn't be a 30-minute program on the Food Network.
This is how he celebrated 100k followers.
...lucky. That all looks delicious.
Some Popeyes are known as sailormen...
Other Popeyes are known for chicken. This Popeye is known for his love of pizza.
For the record, that's a sponge cake.
That combo must be, like, $17. I'm jelly.
Two things of ketchup.
You could forget any problems existed in the world with this in front of you.